LGA Launches Community-Based Theatre Series in Kulhudhuffushi City

December 2, 2023

In a pioneering move toward fostering grassroots engagement and amplifying community voices, the Local Government Authority (LGA), in collaboration with Maldives Institute of Local Governance (MILG) and UNDP Maldives, successfully initiated the first forum in the Community-Based Theatre (CBT) series. Commencing on December 1st in Kulhudhuffushi City, this groundbreaking endeavor was conducted in partnership with the Kulhudhuffushi City Council, bringing together 13 active participants from the city for a week-long dialogue.

The Community-Based Theatre series by LGA, supported by Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) with the generous support of UK Government with UK Aid from the British People, signifies a novel approach to civic engagement, utilizing the power of theatrical expression to facilitate meaningful discussions on public participation in local governance. The inaugural forum focused on providing a platform for residents of Kulhudhuffushi City to voice their concerns, share perspectives, and collectively explore solutions to issues relevant to their community.

The week-long activity centered around forum discussions addressing a range of topics related to public participation in the city. Participants engaged in vibrant conversations, sharing insights on community needs, challenges, and aspirations. The essence of the Community-Based Theatre lies in its ability to transcend traditional communication barriers, providing a dynamic and interactive space for citizens to actively contribute to the local decision-making process.

Community-Based Theatre has a proven track record of success, having been utilized previously to elevate community issues to the policy level. The use of this innovative approach underscores a commitment to inclusivity and transparency in local governance. LGA, in collaboration with UNDP, is excited to leverage the potential of CBT to foster greater public participation in the decision-making processes that shape the future of local communities.