Maldives Youth Camp 2020 is an annual event hosted by the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment every year to celebrate Youth Day. This year's virtual camp aims to promote and enhance youth participation by creating a platform through which young people can advocate on issues related to them. The theme of this year’s camp is Youth, Peace & Security. It is bringing together youth across Maldives and those living abroad along with observers from other SAARC countries.
UNDP and UNICEF are proud to join hands with the Government of Maldives to empower the youth in Maldives.
This year's youth camp is the first ever virtual camp and is supported through a project funded with the generous contribution from the European Union. The camp also saw the support from the National Counter Terrorism Center, National Youth Council and Ooredoo Maldives.
UNDP works with the government, development partners, academic institutions, civil society, the private sector and other partners in our collective efforts to better understand the intersectionality of youth issues, and further strengthen our work towards achieving truly inclusive development and the attainment of the SDGs.
From the partner address by Dr. M. Munir A. Safieldin - UNICEF Representative to the Maldives and Akiko Fujii - UNDP Resident Representative to the Maldives:
“Together, let us work to offer young people a positive vision of their future. The future that they want and own…” – Dr. M. Munir A. Safieldin
“and a genuine chance to realize young people’s aspirations and potential.” - Akiko Fujii