Global Climate Change Alliance Seychelles Programme
Coastal climate change adaptation is of great concern and priority for the government of Seychelles, in view of the impacts of climate change in terms of coastal erosions and flooding in vulnerable areas. A number of studies have been initiated and emergency remedial works have started on the affected areas on Mahé, Praslin and La Digue islands using approaches such as Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EBA).
The project aims at supporting adaptation to climate change to increase coastal and flood protection in the vulnerable areas of La Digue Island, through integrated shoreline management in place, enhanced stream channel and wetland productivity and flood buffering capacity, enhanced shoreline protection, and mitigation of saltwater contamination.
Under the EU GCCA + project, cost-effective EBA methods are being used, in combination with various engi- neering technologies to address site-specific issues and opportu- nities enhancing climate change resilience to coastal flooding.
For more information, download the project factsheet.
©Jonathan Ford