Innovation initiatives
The United Nations in Mauritius initiated the establishment of a Technology Innovation Labs (UNTIL) to drive the development agenda, through Innovation and technology, and to solve some of humanities’ most pressing needs.
The objectives of these labs were to function as a start-up platform for a collaborative attempt to problem solving initiatives among the UN entities, Private sector, Academia and Civil Society. This would serve as the platform for linking with innovators and mentors from across the globe as well as to facilitate global exchange of ideas and resources, offering advisory support and guidance that will facilitate solutions through workshops, immersion-learning, and incubated projects.
On 12 October 2018 , the Government of Mauritius, through its Council of Ministers endorsement, agreed to set up the UNTIL in the island.
Following which, UNDP Mauritius submitted a proposal for additional resources to fund the preparatory work for this innovative solution in accelerating the development agenda and to establish initial activities to support the Government of Mauritius’ vision for the Innovation labs. The proposal envisaged to create enabling environment for innovation in Mauritius, to bring different actors to discuss and exchange views and ideas and to engage in upstream policy dialogue for Innovation.
For more information, download the project factsheet.
©Riccardo Annandale