The Western Indian Ocean Large Marine Ecosystems Strategic Action Programme Policy Harmonisation and Institutional Reforms (WIO LME SAPPHIRE)
This Project builds on the previous work completed under the UNDP supported GEF financed Agulhas and Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystems (ASCLME) Project in close collaboration with a number of partners. The ASCLME Project delivered the intended regional TDA and ministerially endorsed SAP for the western Indian Ocean LMEs as well as individual Marine Ecosystem Diagnostic Analyses (MEDAs) for each participating country. The ASCLME Project also created the Western Indian Ocean Sustainable Ecosystem Alliance (WIOSEA). The SAPPHIRE Project aims to support and assist the appropriate and formally mandated government institutions and intergovernmental bodies in the region to implement the activities which they require in order to deliver the SAP and to ensure sustainability of efforts and actions toward long-term management of activities within the LMEs as well as the sustainability of associated institutional arrangements and partnerships. The project’s activities have several cross-cutting themes, which will seek to meaningfully address progress towards meeting UNDP goals and targets with respect to sustainable development, poverty alleviation, early warning of disaster and climate change, SDGs, gender mainstreaming and youth. Throughout the implementation, the project will coordinate closely with the UNDEP GEF WIOLaB SAP project with the intention of harmonising activities and ultimately combining institutional and administrative process for a single implementation strategy for the two WIO SAPs.