Advanced cross-river capacities for trade

Duration:2019 – 2025
Donors:Sweden, UK
Coverage:Republic of Moldova, including Transnistrian region
Beneficiaries:Micro, small and medium-sized companies, mainly operating in the agri-food, services and ICT areas, etc.
Focus Area:Inclusive Growth
Partners:The Bureau for Reintegration Policies, Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, Agency for Investments, Chambers of Commerce and Industry from Chișinău and Tiraspol, Business Associations from both banks, Business Service Providers, relevant thematic programs
Project Document:
See more information about the project on the transparency portal.


Project Summary:

The Advanced Cross-River Capacities for Trade Project facilitates cross-river cooperation and expands access of enterprises from Transnistrian region (particularly micro, small and medium sized enterprises - MSMEs) to export promotion mechanisms available on the right bank.

The project provides tailored support and develops capacities based on specific needs of current and future exporters, but also provisions methodological and practical assistance to establish long-term trade links and to promote exports. In the framework of this initiative, existing companies and start-ups will be supported to create new jobs for women and vulnerable groups.

These goals will be achieved through cross-river exchange of knowledge and experience, but also by understanding the opportunities provided by the on the Strategic Partnership, Trade and Cooperation Agreement signed between the UK and Moldova and DCFTA to companies from the Transnistrian region. At the same time, benefiting companies and associations will learn from best practices of businesses from Eastern and Central Europe.

Main efforts will be dedicated to reviving the MSMEs sector which is underdeveloped in the Transnistrian region.


To ensure that men and women on both banks of the Nistru River have improved livelihoods and living conditions, due to enhanced cross-river cooperation to access the opportunities offered by Moldova’s external trade arrangements, contributing to an environment of trust and cooperation:

  • Improved cross-river exchange of information, knowledge and experience on the export promotion mechanisms on the right bank, and awareness-raising on the opportunities provided by external trade agreements;
  • Enhanced competitiveness and joint exports of business communities from both riverbanks with a particular focus on cluster and value chain development and export promotion;
  • Enhanced capacities for policy formulation leading to a conducive environment on both banks and reduction of barriers to trade and economic cooperation;
  • Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises across the Nistru river, in particular those led by women and benefiting vulnerable groups, are enabled to produce more competitive products.

Expected results:

  • An improved regulatory and institutional framework for cross-river trade and integration of Transnistrian region’s exporters into the Moldovan external trade;
  • Increased awareness among companies and business associations in the Transnistrian region on the opportunities provided by DCFTA/Strategic partnership, trade and cooperation agreement with UK, as well as the technical steps needed to access EU and UK markets;;
  • Improved capacities of business associations on both banks (at least 10 in Transnistrian region) to advocate for, cooperate and support the interests of the business communities across the river;
  • Improved business environment due to effective advocacy/lobby measures on reduction of barriers to trade and economic cooperation;
  • Over 70 companies from the Transnistrian region received consultancy/certification support from cross river business development services institutions/networks to promote their exports, resulting in at least 20 partnerships or contracts signed;

  • At least 40 companies improved their competitiveness due to the assured infrastructure through at least 5 clusters created; 

  • More than 200 jobs created on both banks as a result of the support provided;

  • 55 start-ups initiated/new companies accelerated, with at least 60% led by women.

  • 5 social entrepreneurs supported;

  • 15 companies adopted Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles;

  • 5 companies have successfully implemented energy-efficient and renewable energy source technologies.


  • As part of the institutional development of the Social Entrepreneurship Platform, was registered a new NGO - Association of Social Entrepreneurs, aiming to provide necessary support for social business on the left bank;

  • 1723 representatives of the companies and business associations from the Republic of Moldova (847 left bank/876 right bank, out of which 860 women) have increased the awareness regarding the opportunities provided by the DCFTA and UK-Moldova Strategic Partnership, Trade and Cooperation Agreement, and learned about recovery solutions for exporters affected by COVID-19 economic recession;

  • 5 newly created or developed social businesses on the left bank (3 lead by women);

  • Increased the digital literacy of more than 500 women and girls, through equipped 5 STEEAM (science, technology, engineering, entrepreneurship, arts, and maths) classes on the left bank, one freelance school for women (including 21 refugees), IT courses for rural women;

  • Over 500 companies and 30 business associations from the Transnistrian region have got aware of the opportunities provided by DCFTA and UK-Moldova Strategic Partnership, Trade and Cooperation Agreement, as well as the technical steps needed to access EU and UK markets;

  • 92 companies (28 from the Transnistrian region) received business development support and increased their exports, resulting in 37 signed contracts and 120 new jobs created; 

  • 9 business associations from both banks (5 left bank/4 right bank) capacitated to effectively advocate, cooperate and support the interests of business communities across the river; 

  • 2 processing facilities supported, allowing for cooperation of SMEs in joint export promotion in agri-food sector;

  • 26 exporting companies (11 left bank/15 right bank) have improved their competitiveness by adopting technological innovations and increasing their capacity for expanding their business operations abroad;

  • 123 companies from both banks (105 right bank/ 27 left bank) identified relevant partners (foreign distributors, retail chains and potential business partners) by attending B2B meetings and partner search activities implemented by the project;

  • At least 10 companies from both banks (5 from Transnistrian region, improved their competitiveness due to the provided equipment;

  • 249 jobs were created, out of which 134 on the right bank and 115 on the left bank, out of which 160 for women, 98 for representative of vulnerable groups, including 29 emigrants returned home. 1,370 jobs have been maintained in the context of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic;

  • 31 micro and small companies have been launched with assistance from the AdTrade Project, out of which 23 on the left bank, 24 run by women, 31 are start-ups, 5 led by young entrepreneurs;

  • 76 companies have been supported including 46 startups launched with assistance from the AdTrade project, out of which 55 run by women.

SwedenUnited Kingdom
2019$270,174 $269,149
2020$663,950 $664,975