Role of the Parliament key in achieving Sustainable Development Goals

November 20, 2023
The Parliament of Montenegro


The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Andrija Mandić, met today with Ekaterina Paniklova, the Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Montenegro.

In congratulating Ekaterina Paniklova on the commencement of her mandate as the UNDP Resident Representative in Montenegro, the President of the Parliament recalled the quality and substance of the cooperation between Montenegro and UNDP. He emphasized that the UNDP has consistently been recognized as a constructive, highly important, and active partner in achieving priority development goals.

In this context, the President highlighted the significance of UN support for Montenegro’s overall democratization and progress, aligning with the country’s reform agenda. He expressed the expectation that such support would continue, especially during the negotiation process with the EU. He emphasized that EU membership and the adoption and implementation of the highest European standards are clear foreign policy priorities for the new majority. The President stressed a strong commitment to realizing this goal promptly, advocating for a principle where genuine reforms always take precedence over rhetoric.

President Mandić, while recalling the activities carried out in partnership between the Parliament and UNDP, conveyed a message of complete readiness for the continued active engagement of relevant parliamentary committees in the current term. He stated that through the implementation of joint projects, significant results could be expected through collaborative efforts, with a focus on the activities of the Parliamentary Committee for Gender Equality and the Women’s Club.

The President noted with regret that the 28th parliamentary assembly has an insufficient number of female MPs, with a percentage of 21% deemed unsatisfactory. He emphasized the need to work further to achieve a substantive gender balance in decision-making positions. From the position of the Parliament’s President, he pledged to contribute fully to ensuring positive trends in addressing this issue in the future.

UNDP Resident Representative noted that parliaments play a pivotal role in achieving the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adding that the UNDP is fully committed to supporting this crucial mission.

“In its work, the UNDP focuses on green and sustainable development, reducing poverty, achieving gender equality, and building resilience, while providing technical support to institutions in a professional and impartial manner. Our approach involves enhancing legislative processes, offering specialized training, and facilitating inclusive policy dialogues to ensure that parliamentary actions align with and actively contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. Recognizing the vital importance of parliaments in realizing these goals, I am confident that the Montenegrin Parliament will use its significant influence to make meaningful and comprehensive contributions to both national and international development efforts in line with the principles of the United Nations. The UNDP stands ready to extend its support in these important endeavours”, Paniklova added.