Development of Montenegro’s Second Biennial Update Report (SBUR) to UNFCCC


The project will enable Montenegro to fulfil its commitments under UNFCCC and prepare and submit the SBUR to the Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC. Further, it will assist in building national capacities to fulfil Montenegro’s commitments under the Convention on a continuous basis, while it will additionally increase the awareness on climate change issues, including policy-makers, leading to better integration of climate considerations into national and sectoral polices, strategies and programmes.


In order to improve climate change governance and meet the challenges that Montenegro will face as a result of climate change, there is a need to mainstream climate change concepts into national and sectoral development plans. As part of its ultimate and long-term objectives, this project contributes to mainstreaming of climate change concepts by strengthening the institutional capacity. This endeavour is synchronised with other projects implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, especially the Third National Communication).

The immediate objective of the proposed Enabling Activity Project is to assist the Government of Montenegro to perform the activities necessary to prepare the Second Biennial Update Report and fulfil its obligations to the Convention as per decisions 1/CP.16 and 2/CP.17. The project objective will be achieved with the fulfilment of the outcomes, which are in line with the GEF’s climate change mitigation strategic objective under GEF-6: “CCM-3: Foster Enabling Conditions to Mainstream Mitigation Concerns into Sustainable Development Strategies, Programme 5: Integrate findings of Convention obligations and enabling activities into national planning processes and mitigation targets.”

Project objectives are directly linked to SDG 13.


In order to achieve the set goals, we will work on the following outputs and activities:

  1. Update information on Montenegro’s geography, population, natural resources, climate and economy which may affect its ability to deal with mitigating and adapting to climate change, including gender analysis.
  2. Update information on Montenegro’s national development objectives, priorities and circumstances, and the specific needs and concerns arising from the adverse effects of climate change, including gender analysis.
  3. Update information on the institutional arrangements relevant to the preparation of national communications and biennial update reports.
  4. Update the GHG inventory by sector and by gas, including a summary table of previous inventories, key categories analysis, uncertainty analysis and QA/QC plan, all based on the revised 2006 IPCC Guidelines.
  5. Compile information related to mitigation actions, coverage and objectives, including the extent of reduction achieved or projected to achieve.
  6. Compile information on domestic MRV system and progress of implementation of any institutional arrangements and framework for domestic MRV.
  7. Description of level of support received to enable the preparation of the SBUR and the third national communication undertaken in parallel.
  8. Information on international market mechanisms.
  9. SBUR published and submitted according to the guidelines contained in Annex III of decision 2/CP.17.

Expected results:

  1. Revised and updated national circumstances and institutional arrangements relevant to the preparation of the national communications and the biennial update reports;
  2. National GHG inventory and report for the year 2014 and 2015;
  3. A description of mitigation actions and the extent of GHG reduction achieved, including associated methodologies and assumptions;
  4. Information on domestic MRV system and progress of implementation of any institutional arrangements and framework for domestic MRV;
  5. A description on constraints, gaps and related needs to meet the objectives of the Convention, and the level of support received for the preparation and submission of the SBUR;
  6. Publication and submission of the SBUR according to the guidelines contained in Annex III of decision 2/CP.17.
  • SBUR is expected to be submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat by April 2019.



October 2016


April 2019






United Nations Development Programme


Global Environment Fund Trustee









Full Project information