User Experience Survey - GOV.ME Portal

User Experience Survey - GOV.ME Portal

May 14, 2024

The GOV.ME portal, as the principal communication channel of the Government of Montenegro, enables access to services and information offered by the Government and administrative authorities. This survey on user experience carried out as part of the project “E-services and digital infrastructure in response to COVID-19”, aims to improve the functioning of institutional administration, raise awareness among citizens and businesses on the availability of information on the services provided by the institutions, assess the portal's functionalities, design, and the accessibility of the documents posted on the GOV.ME web pages.

CEED Consulting doo conducted research in three phases: desk research, where accessibility was assessed on a sample of 500 documents on the website of the Government of Montenegro; quantitative research on a sample of 1004 citizens and 104 companies from all three regions of Montenegro; and qualitative research, with eight focus groups with target groups.

The results of the survey should serve as the basis for further activities towards improved GOV.ME portal user experience and faster, simpler, and safer access to the services and information provided by the Government and the administrative authorities. The project “E-services and digital infrastructure in response to COVID-19” is financed by the European Union and implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Public Administration.

Document Type
Regions and Countries