Research and Capacity building on SDGs and HD
The fight against poverty and the commitment to promote human development is the guiding principle for the work of the UN in Mozambique. For the government to realize the goals outlined in the PARP, technical assistance is required, particularly in the areas of poverty analysis and development of inclusive green growth strategies. Strengthening of government capacity would enable the design of effective policies and allow Mozambique to translate high levels of economic growth and strong support from the donor community into broad based poverty alleviation and achievement of the MDGs. Moreover it is crucial that the national capacity is strengthened to ensure the production of high quality independent poverty analysis, reports and evaluations of the progress made towards achieving human development and the millennium development goals.
Key Achievements
- Contributing to strengthening of democratic governance systems and processes guarantee equity, rule of law and respect of human rights at all levels.
- Promotion of the MDGs achievements within the national statistical system.
- MDGs and national HDRs, and other policy documents produced and disseminated.