The Myanmar Anti – Corruption Commission staff receive hygiene supples, Naypyidaw, 14 May 2020
The Myanmar Anti – Corruption Commission staff receive hygiene supples, Naypyidaw, 14 May 2020
The representatives of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s administration department posing with hygiene supplies provided by UNDP, Naypyidaw, 15 May 2020
At the Union Attorney General’s Office, Naypyidaw, 14 May 2020.
At the Union Attorney General’s Office, Naypyidaw, 14 May 2020.
Like other countries, Myanmar has been struggling to control the spread of COVID-19. From the beginning, the government, together with the international community and civil society organizations (CSOs), has been providing medical and other support to people in need. Yet, as the pandemic goes on, more help is needed.
Since the early days of the pandemic, UNDP Myanmar has coordinated with the government for direct assistance and other support. The Myanmar Government has been raising awareness on the need for social distancing and hygienic measures to reduce and prevent the spread of virus. In early May, more than 8,700 bottles of hand gel and 260 temperature screeners were handed over to the Union Parliaments, and to government organizations such as the Myanmar Anti-Corruption Commission, the Union Civil Service Board, the Union Attorney General’s Office, the Office of the Supreme Court of the Union, the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission and other counterparts. Similar assistance was also provided to 12 of its civil society partners (CSOs) in Kachin and Rakhine states.
UNDP Myanmar continues to enhance the capabilities of governmental institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Strengthening Accountability and Rule of Law (SARL) Project is providing video conferencing equipment to the Myanmar Anti-Corruption Commission and the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission. This will allow them to better coordinate their efforts and enhance the timeliness of services provided to general public and have a positive impact on the operations and activities of the government institutions and CSOs whose staff are observing social distancing measures.
In addition, UNDP will also be supporting state and regional governments to better respond to this health pandemic with much needed health system supplies, among other measures.