UNDP Myanmar Mid Term Evaluation Report

UNDP Myanmar Mid Term Evaluation Report
February 25, 2016
When the UNDP Myanmar Country programme was designed in 2012, the country was embarking on multiple, simultaneous, complex reforms. Nation building was at the core of these reforms that include changes in the political and democratic and socio-economic situation; increased emphasis on decentralized and people-oriented governance and administration; as well as reforms to promote the inclusive development of the private sector.
Launched in 2011, these reforms had only just begun to deeply impact Myanmar’s interactions with internal and external actors, including UNDP.
The midterm evaluation of UNDP’s programme is focused on its relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability and the progress made since 2013 under the three outcome areas that underline UNDP’s support for: effective local governance, improved environmental and natural resource management and the promotion of energy conservation and the promotion of democratic governance.