Business and Human Rights Initiative Launches in Nepal

September 2, 2024
A group photo of participants in front of a screen


The Business and Human Rights (B+HR) initiative has been officially launched aligning with international standards and commitments. This joint effort, led by Ministry of Labour,Employment and Social Security, with support from the Governments of Japan, Embasst of Switzerland and UNDP, aims to promote and protect the human rights of women, marginalized communities, and vulnerable groups in Nepal’s private sector over the next 18 months.

This initiative is also instrumental in implementing Nepal’s National Action Plan (NAP) on Business and Human Rights, adopted by the MOLESS on 27 December 2023. The NAP, effective from 2024 to 2028, marks a significant commitment from the Government of Nepal to foster economic development while safeguarding the rights of its citizens and the environment. With this adoption, Nepal becomes the second country in South Asia and the 41st globally to embrace such a strategic framework. 

a man speaking at a podium


At the launch event held in Kathmandu, Top Bahadur Magar, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission stressed the importance of human rights due diligence and the establishment of effective grievance handling mechanisms to advance the B+HR agenda. 

a man speaking at a podium


Meanwhile, Attorney General Ramesh Badal, reaffirmed the Government of Nepal’s support in the NAP implementation and address the necessary challenges.

A man speaking at a podium


Yasayuki Yokoya, First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan, reiterated Japan’s support for the NAP’s implementation, emphasizing ongoing capacity-building efforts and consultations. 

a man speaking at a podium


Similarly, Julien Chevillard, Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP Nepal, underlined the critical role of human rights in economic development, particularly as Nepal prepares to graduate from Least Developed Country (LDC) status. 

a woman speaking at a podium


Pratigya Sinkhada Baskota, Senior Human Rights Officer at the Swiss Embassy in Nepal, hailed the inauguration of the B+HR initiative as a significant milestone, especially in safeguarding the rights of women and vulnerable populations during NAP implementation.

The event served as a platform to reinforce UNDP’s partnerships with UN agencies, development partners, and government entities. Stakeholders gained deeper insights into the strategies and action points crucial for the program's success through networking and interactive sessions. 

Tek Tamata, UNDP’s Portfolio Manager for Governance and Rule of Law, discussed potential opportunities and challenges in implementing the B+HR initiative. He emphasized the importance of communication, coordination, and capacity-building as key pillars for success.

a man wearing a suit and tie talking on a cell phone


Representatives from the private sector, government ministries, civil society organizations, and UN agencies shared their perspectives during the event. Japanese and Swiss embassy officials, along with members of the Nepal Bar Association, expressed confidence in Nepal’s ability to create an inclusive business environment and affirmed their continued support. 

The event also featured a panel discussion that delved into critical implementation issues, including legal amendments and institutional leadership. Representatives from persons with disability and student groups voiced their concerns and suggestions during a Q&A session.