Call for Participation for Poem Competition: IWD 2025

February 1, 2025
Graphic promoting a poetry competition for International Women's Day, featuring vibrant colors and illustrations.


International Women’s Day (IWD) is observed globally every year on 8 March. The theme for International Women’s Day, 8 March 2025 (IWD 2025) is, “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment” (“सबै महिला र छोरीहरूको अधिकारः समानता र सशक्तिकरणको हकदार”).

This year 2025 marks the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a landmark framework for gender equality adopted by 189 governments at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. It remains the most progressive global blueprint for advancing women’s and girls’ rights, guiding policies on education, health, peace, media, political participation, economic empowerment, and ending violence against women. With only five years left to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), addressing these priorities—alongside climate justice and digital innovation—remains urgent.

This year’s International Women’s Day, celebrated under the theme “For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.” to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, serves as a call to action in three key areas:

  • Advance women’s and girls’ rights: Fight relentlessly for women’s and girls’ full range of human rights, challenging all forms of violence, discrimination, and exploitation.
  • Promote gender equality: Address systemic barriers, dismantle patriarchy, transform entrenched inequities, and elevate the voices of marginalized women and girls, including young people, to ensure inclusivity and empowerment.
  • Foster empowerment: Redefine power structures by ensuring inclusive access to education, employment, leadership, and decision-making spaces. Prioritize opportunities for young women and girls to lead and innovate.

Additionally, climate change poses an existential threat to humanity and is manifesting in different forms including heat waves and intense rainfall with differential impact to population, women, children, elderly, urban poor and other vulnerable groups are worst affected.  It is important to be aware of these differences, which can inform customized solutions. Heat wave is an emerging issue in Nepal, and it is important to understand and aware impact of heat wave on vulnerable groups including women and girls.

This year, UNDP Nepal, in partnership with UNHCR Nepal, will observe International Women’s Day (IWD) under the theme: ‘For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.’ As part of the celebration, they will organize the Sixth Edition of the National and Provincial Poetry Competition under the topic:

  • Rights. Equality. Empowerment. For all women and girls.
  • Heatwave impact on marginalized groups such as women, children, elderly, and other vulnerable groups

Key Events

SNEvent         DateModality
1Registration DeadlineFriday, 18 February 2025Online
2Orientation on IWD 2024 theme to participating schoolsWednesday,24 February 2025Virtual
3Provincial Level Poetry Competition (All 7 provinces)Wednesday, 3 March 2025Virtual
4National Level Poetry CompetitionThursday, 7 March 205Hybrid


The primary goal of the competition is to raise awareness among young students and children, providing them with opportunities to express their thoughts and voice. It aims to expedite the realization of gender equality and empower women and girls by tackling poverty, enhancing institutions, and incorporating a gender perspective into financial initiatives.

  • To reflect on the status of women and share opinions and concern
  • To advocate for investments in women and girls’ equality
  • To encourage students to creatively express their ideas through poetry
  • To nurture oratory and creative skills among students

Provincial Level Poetry Competition 

All public schools from all seven provinces of Nepal are eligible to participate in the poetry competition.  The schools identified as model schools by the Government of Nepal and those led by women principals are particularly encouraged to apply. Schools should invite students  from grade VIII to XII to submit poems in line with the competition’s objective and theme. Schools wishing to participate must fill in the online registration form (Click for link(link is external)) and fifteen schools will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis. Invites and concept notes will be shared with the participating schools.

The participating schools are responsible to provide the name of the best poet along with their written poem and consent form (for students between Grade VIII to XII)to the respective UNDP Field Offices, to participate in the virtual Provincial level Poetry competition.

Schools from rural and hilly areas of Nepal with poor internet bandwidth are encouraged submit their written & recorded poems in advance, along with consent form to the respective UNDP field offices, at least 3 days prior to the Provincial Level Poetry Competition.

The Provincial Level poetry competition will be organized by UNDP Field offices virtually on Wednesday, 26th February 2025 from 10:00 hours to 13:00 hours tentatively. The three best poets (1st, 2nd & 3rd) from each province will be selected, and one of the best poets (1st poem/winner) recommended by the jury from each province will enter the National level Poetry Competition. The National Finale round will be live through UNDP Nepal Facebook.

Each province’s UNDP Field Office will coordinate with the schools in their region.

National Level Poetry Competition

The National level poetry competition,  organized by UNDP & UNHCR Nepal in virtual/hybrid modality will be organized on Friday, 7th March 2025 from 10:00 hours to 13:00 hours tentatively.

The seven Provincial Winners will recite their poems. The three best poets will be selected, and their poems published on UNDP & UNHCR Nepal websites, social media, publications etc.

The program will also be livestreamed via UNDP Nepal’s Facebook.


The competition is open to the students from Grade VIII to XII of Nepal either from the public model schools and or other public schools that have been identified by educational professionals and are led by women Principals from all seven provinces of Nepal. The selected participants should provide duly filled online google form which will be shared by UNDP Nepal. The students belonging to Dalit, Indigenous, Madhesi, Muslims, persons with disabilities, refugees, gender and sexual minorities, and marginalized community etc. are highly encouraged to participate in the competition.

Child Protection

The participating schools should ensure that:

  • Students under 18 years have their parent/legal guardian sign a consent form related to the submission of private data.
  • Students over 18 years must provide consent for themselves on the issue of data privacy.
  • Use of Image / Livestream Consent form for the students and judges.
  • Scanned copies of the parent’s ID form are required  for students who are below 18 years.

UNDP county office/ field office and UNHCR Nepal will ensure the parent and child consent forms are signed prior to the competition.

Rules for Poetry Competition

  • Theme: “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment” (“सबै महिला र छोरीहरूको अधिकारः समानता र सशक्तिकरणको हकदार”).”
  • Poetry must be self-composed; plagiarism from online sources, publications, or external assistance will result in disqualification.  
  • Poems can be recited in Nepali, English, or any native language.  
  • Each candidate will have 5 minutes to recite their poems.
  • Judging criteria include: 
    i.    Content of the Poem 
    ii.    Expression and Body Language 
    iii.    Articulation
    iv.    Delivery & Style
    v.    Innovation & Uniqueness
  • The jury’s decision will be final and binding for all candidates.


  • For Province level competition, the jury will be decided by UNDP & UNHCR Nepal, potentially including Ministry representatives, women Deputy Mayors/ leaders, poets, policy makers, authors, gender experts, activists etc.)
  • For National level competition, the jury will be decided by UNDP Nepal, and may include upto five members, including Ministry representatives, women Deputy Mayors/ leaders, poets, policy makers, authors, gender experts, activists, etc.)
  • UNDP Nepal will have sole discretion on the selection and appointment of judges for the poetry competition. 

Zoom Invitation

Zoom Meeting invite will be sent through UNDP Nepal for the Provincial Level Competition.

Prizes and Certificates:

Provincial Level Poetry Competition: All participants will receive the certificate of appreciation. The jury will also receive a token of appreciation.

The top three poets will be awarded, and the winner (1st poem) will receive an opportunity to participate in the National Level Poetry Competition.  

The best poems will be shared on UNDP and UNHCHR social media, websites and as publication.

National Level Poetry Competition: All participants will receive a certificate of appreciation.  

The top three poets will be awarded, and their poems will be shared on UNDP and UNHCR social media, websites and as publication.


UNDP Nepal reserves the right to compile the poems into a compendium for publication and/or public dissemination for no profit and without notice to the authors.

UNDP Nepal successfully organized the 6th Edition of the Provincial Level Poetry Competition in celebration of International Women’s Day 2025.

The names of the winners are mentioned below:

Koshi Province


NamePoem Title




Prabha Dahalमैले खोजेको पहिचान


Shree Panchayat Secondary SchoolFirst


ANISHA SUBEDमहिला  छोरीहरूको अधिकारसमानता  सशक्तीकरणको हकदार




Lajima Sundasतिम्रो प्रतिष्ठा 


Shree Singhabahini Secondary SchoolThird

Madhesh Province


NamePoem Title




Priti Adhikari सबै महिला  छोरीहरूको अधिकारसमानता  सशक्तीकरणको हकदार


Shree Baidyanath Devnarayan Janata model secondary school   First


Hamida Aliनारी 


Shree Janata secondary schoolSecond


Anjali Chaudharyमहिला  छोरीहरूको अधिकारसमानता  सशक्तीकरणको हकदार


Shree Secondary School, Mithileshwar MauwahiThird

Bagmati Province


NamePoem Title




Supriya NeupaneA woman who fights for change (परिवर्तनका जुझारू नारी


Tarun Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Balaju-16, KathmanduFirst


Rita Maya SyangtanShe is flying every now and then (पल पल लडेर उड्दै छिन् उनी)


Shree Bajrabarahi Secondary School, Thaha Municipality, MakwanpurSecond


Sanju Rai
For All women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment (सबै महिला  छोरीहरूको अधिकारसमानता  सशक्तीकरणको हकदार)


Shitala Secondary School, Balaju, KathmanduThird

Gandaki Province


NamePoem Title




Sujata PoudelNari Ek - Shakti Anek


Shree Jan Priye Madhyamik VidhyalayaFirst


Dolma TsheringRise Women Rise!


SOS Hermann Gmeiner SchoolSecond


Menuka ThapaNari Ra Jagat


Shree Janata Secondary SchoolThird

Lumbini Province


NamePoem Title




Anjali LamaA Tale of a Woman


Kalakhola Secondary SchoolFirst


Manisha ParajuliSabai Mahila Ra Choriharuko Adhikar : Samanta ra Sasastikaranko Hakdar


Kalika Manav Gyan Madyamik VidhyalayaSecond


Shishir MallaYettikai Timi Nari Hainau


Kalika Manav Gyan Madyamik VidhyalayaThird

Karnali Province 


NamePoem Title


1Mr. Kishore Acharyaन्यायको खोजीXChandra Surya Secondary School, Shubha Kalika Rural Municipality, Kalikot districtFirst


Ms. Garima Rijalछोरीको आँटIXVijaya Secondary School, Dullu Municipality, DailekhSecond


Ms.Pragati LamichhaneनारीIX
Shree Jana Model Secondary School, Birendranagar Municipality, Surkhet

Sudurpashchim Province


NamePoem Title




Amisha Pant  Chhori Hau Timi  (छोरी हौ तिमी )


Shree Bhuwaneshwari Secondary School, Bedkot- 6 , Sisaiya - KanchchapurFirst


Pushpa ThakullaNari Awaj (नारी आवाज)


Shree Jan Jagriti Secondary School, Tikapur - KailaliSecond


Indra BhattaFor All women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment (सबै महिला  छोरीहरूको अधिकारसमानता  सशक्तीकरणको हकदार)


Shree Nawadurga Secondary School, Mohana -2 , KailaliThird



Concept note in Nepali (अवधारणा नेपालीमा):