Girls in cycle

[Closed] Promoting Green Recovery Project




1 January 2021 – 31 May 2022

Geographic Coverage:

All seven provinces

(selected municipalities)

Focus Area:

Energy, Environment, Climate and Disaster Risk Management

Collaborating Institutions:


  •  Department of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Population


  • Koshi Hospital, Biratnagar
  • Narayani Hospital, Birgunj
  • Provincial Hospital, Surkhet
  • Janakpur Hospital, Janakpurdham
  • Rapti Provincial Hospital
  • Bheri Hospital, Nepalgunj
  • Shree Birendra Hospital, Chhauni

Local Governments

  • Dubhai Municipality
  • Tillotama Municipality
  • Waling Municipality
  • Birendranagar Municipality
  • Bheemdatta Municipality
  • Lalitpur Metropolitan City
  • Tulsipur Sub-Metropolitan City
  • Nepalgunj Sub-Metropolitan City

Private Sector

  • NCell


China AID



US$ 2,390,521


The Promoting Green Recovery Project (PGRP) is geared toward supporting COVID-19 recovery in Nepal. It works with various development partners to provide effective management of health care waste from hospitals to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission; support governments at the local level in effective management of municipal waste; and promote sustainable urban mobility through cycling campaign.

The project through UNDP’s Rapid Financing  facility in response to catalyze solutions to the pandemic through UNDP's "COVID 2.0" offer - Beyond Recovery: Towards 2030, prioritizes creating employment opportunities and fostering business recovery and green growth in the post-COVID context in line with UN Nepal Framework for Responding to the Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19. PGRP contributes to Sustainable Development Goals 1 (No Poverty), 3 (Good health and Well-being), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 12 (Responsible consumption and production), and 17 (Partnerships for The Goal).


Photo credit: Sanjay K Kurmi


Gender and Social Inclusion


  • The project has supported 1,318 HH with vermicompost training and tools. Among the total benefited, 63% were women, 13% were Dalit, 28 % Janajatis, 2% Muslim and 5% Madhesi. Similarly, 279 persons took part in an upcycle-based skill-based trainings program including 79% women, 3% LGBTQIA people.
  • In five municipalities, a total of 190 waste collectors were given green jobs for 6 months as short-term employment, with 64% of them being women, 36% being Janajti, 35% being Dalit, and 32 being from single-woman-headed HH and 12 waster workers have persons with disability in their family.
  • Provided training on Healthcare Waste Management (HCWM) module to 517 personnel related to HCWM from 7 hospitals (Hospital management staff-105, medical personnel-140 and waste collector -140 people) and 7 municipalities (132 Officials). The participation ratio was at least 50% women)

  • As part of the campaign, PGRP provided 212 bicycles to girl students and women for easy mobility and enhancing access to education in 6 municipalities. Out of them, 25% were Dalit, 3% were muslim, 16% were Madhesi, 27% were Janajati and 29% were bramhan/chhetri/thakuri.


Expected Outputs of the Project           

OUTPUT 1: Improved management of medical waste and public knowledge and preparedness (Supported through China Aid)

OUTPUT 2: Green Recovery through effective and improved waste management promoted (Supported through UNDP’s Rapid Financing Facility)

OUTPUT 3:  Sustainable urban mobility and environment-friendly lifestyle choices for urban populations promoted through cycling campaign








UNDP focal point:
Pragyajan Yalamber Rai
Portfolio Manager
UN House, Pulchowk, Lalitpur
GPO Box 107, Kathmandu, Nepal

Project focal point:

Rajesh Verma
Project Manager 
Tara House, Sanepa, Lalitpur
GPO Box 107, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 15013055 ext. 206