[Closed] Cooperative Market Development Programme
There is a huge difference in farm gate price and the retailer price of fruits and vegetables due to the presence of different layers of middle persons in the vegetable supply chain. Farmers are not receiving reasonable prices for their product, while consumers are forced to pay high prices. In addition to this, inefficient and weak post production services; such as inadequate storage, packing and transportation infrastructure; inadequate marketing services; uneconomical scale of commercial production and lack of legal and institutional support for certification are other bottlenecks in the fruits and vegetable market. Cooperative is considered to be a good strategy to address these problems which could help farmers overcome these obstacles by offering their members a variety of services and capacity building for cooperative marketing.
The Cooperative Market Development Programme (CMDP) is trying to strengthen the capacity of the cooperatives to promote cooperative marketing. It is working closely with different partners to develop and operationalize cooperative market chain of fruits and vegetables at different levels primarily targeting the market of Kathmandu valley and Chitwan.
Major Achievements
- Provided logistic support to 71 primary cooperatives, agriculture input support to 58 primary cooperatives, marketing support to 40 primary cooperatives and business plan development support to 20 primary cooperatives and cooperative markets.
- Established and operated 3 cooperative markets out of 10 which are being constructed at different levels as a part of the cooperative market chain.
- Supported 55 collection centers, 45 cooling chambers and 52 pickup vehicles as a post-production support for collective marketing, safe storage and transportation of fruits and vegetables to cooperative markets and primary cooperatives
- Developed different guidelines and procedures like Sustainable Development Goals for Cooperative Movement of Nepal, Cooperative Market Operation Model Procedure, Cooperatives' Deposit and Credit Insurance Fund Establishment and Operationalization among others
Gender & Social Inclusion Component
The project has been mainstreaming gender and social inclusion in all its interventions. It has also prioritized cooperatives that have women and representatives from ethnic minorities in major positions.
- The project has been working with sixteen women cooperatives to build their capacity through infrastructure, agriculture/marketing inputs and training support. Asof now, the project provided 9 pick up vehicles, built 11 collection centres and installed 7 cooling chambers.
- Enhanced access of 16,643 farmers (49% women, 33% Janajati, 15% Dalits) to the market with the marketing support for collection center, cooling chambers and transportation facilities.
- Of the total general members in the primary cooperatives 60% are women, 44% are Janajati and 5% are Dalits
- Likewise, of the total executive committee members 48% are women, 31% Janajati and 2% Dalit.
- Supported for the construction of a collection center for Chepang Community benefitting 262 Chepang people.

Supported 55 collection centers, 45 cooling chambers and 52 pickup vehicles as a post-production support for collective marketing, safe storage and transportation of fruits and vegetables to cooperative markets and primary cooperatives
Related Materials:
Project details:
Project Status | Active |
Project Period | 1st February 2018 to 31st January 2023 |
Project ID | 00102540 |
Focus Area | Economic Development and Poverty Reduction |
Collaborating Partners |
Budget |
Recent Video:
Contact | CO Focal Point Ms. Kalpana Sarkar Portfolio Manager United Nation Development Program (UNDP) Nepal UN House, Pulchowk, Lalitpur Phone:+ 977 14290000 Email: kalpana.sarkar@undp.org |
Project Focal Point Dipak Dhakal Acting National Project Manager Cooperative Market Development Programme (CMDP) MoLCPA, Singha Durbar, Kathmandu Phone: 01-4200080/4200060 Email: dipak.cmdp@gmail.com |