Renewable Energy for Resilient Agri-Food Systems



Food and nutrition security remains a pressing issue for numerous communities across Nepal, particularly within the remote reaches of the Karnali and Sudurpashchim provinces. According to the Nepal Food Security Monitoring System, an alarming 7% of households in Karnali face severe food insecurity due to the absence of dependable energy sources, access to finance, and the availability of modern technology severely restricts the capacity of local farmers.

The Renewable Energy for Resilient Agri-Food Systems (RERAS) project in partnership with a diverse set of implementing partners, aims to empower farmers with the ability to utilize reliable and affordable energy to achieve food and nutrition security.


RERAS has been working in 3 Provinces, 6 Districts, 16 local governments by supporting local farmers, including women, youth, and marginalized groups, by integrating innovative energy solutions with climate-smart agricultural technologies. The project collaborates with local governments to provide farmers with a suite of customized practices which includes the use of electricity for irrigation and to power machinery that supports post-harvest activities such as processing, storage, packaging, and marketing of local produce. By bridging the gap between traditional farming methods and modern solutions, RERAS is dedicated to ensuring an environment where food- and nutrition security is not just an aspiration but a reality for every household.

Major Achievements

  • Sensitized local communities on the nutritional importance of indigenous corps and its inclusion in daily diet at household level and school meal programme.
  • Supported to establish and operationalize two local market structures in collaboration with Chandanath and Swamikartik municipality.
  • Supported 50 farmers groups comprising of 1540 farmers (88% women) in production and marketing of indigenous and high value vegetable crops through provision of different trainings, Agri-inputs, gender responsive farming machinery and equipment, improved technologies, and groups management support. 
  • 30 Climate Smart Model farm developed in project working areas.
  • Rehabilitation of 4 MHPs and construction of 5 lift irrigation schemes.
  • 9 new energy-based enterprises established and registered in Bajura, including 2 women led enterprises, providing employment to 21 individuals (of which 9 are women). ​
  • Developed and mobilized 11 Local Agri-Resource Persons (LARP) of which 9 are young women.
  • Initiated homegrown school feeding programme and linked local produce of the farmers groups into the school meal programme and further rehabilitate electric cooking system in six schools.
  • Partnership established with 11 local government and continue support in local planning process.
  • Capacity building for local government agriculture technicians, focusing on value chain management and orchard management techniques for apples and walnuts. 


Project Outcomes

Outcome 1: Households have enhanced access to enough food to meet their daily dietary needs.

Outcome 2: Renewable energy solutions play key role in improvement of agriculture value chains.

Outcome 3: Enabling environment to promote resilient food system is ensured through knowledge and capacity of value chain actors.


GESI Component

RERAS adopts a gender-sensitive approach to support the women who have become the primary agricultural labor force. Our gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) initiatives aim to lighten their workload by introducing accessible farming technologies and ensuring their active participation in decision-making processes. The project is dedicated to providing women with the tools, equipment, and financial resources they need, with a focus on facilitating access to credit. By prioritizing women in our programs, RERAS strives to address the challenges of agricultural labor intensification due to male outmigration, aiming for at least 70% of our supported entrepreneurs to be women. This approach not only empowers women but also promotes a more inclusive development in the agricultural sector.


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Project Details:

Project StatusActive
Project PeriodJuly 2023- June 2027
Project ID01001010
Geographic CoverageSelected municipalities of Mugu, Jumla, Bajura and Sindhuli districts
Focus AreaFood and Nutrition Security, Renewable Energy, Food Systems Resilience,   
Source of FundingRoyal Norwegian Embassy and UNDP
Implementing partnersAlternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC), ICIMOD, LI-BIRD, World Food Programme (WFP), Local Governments   
Budget9.6 Million USD



UNDP Focal PointProject Focal Point
Pragyajan Yalamber Rai
Portfolio Manager
United Nations Development Programme
UN House, Pulchowk, Lalitpur
GPO Box 107, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-1-5523200
Shiva Kumar Shrestha
Project Manager
+977 9842946552