LDC Graduation - Smooth Transition Strategy

LDC Graduation - Smooth Transition Strategy
May 16, 2024
Nepal is graduating from a Least Developed Country (LDC) to a developing country status in November 2026. This shift marks a crucial phase in the nation's socio-economic development. We should be able to tap the opportunities and tackle the challenges resulting from this graduation. The National Planning Commission has formulated Nepal's LDC Graduation Smooth Transition Strategy to ensure a smooth, quality, and sustainable transition, recognizing the opportunities and challenges this change brings. The strategy aligns with Nepal's national vision of achieving Good Governance, Social Justice and Prosperity, comprising six strategic pillars: macroeconomic stability, trade and investment, economic transformation, productive capacity, climate change and disaster risk management, and social inclusion. It serves as a roadmap to graduate successfully and to ascend further on the development ladder, building a Nepal that is economically robust, socially inclusive, and environmentally sustainable.