De-risking renewable energy Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for the Nigerian power sector


The energy sector is the largest source of GHG emissions in Nigeria, accounting for over 70% of the country’s total GHG emissions (155.34 MtCO2e in 2000). Over 85% of energy sector emissions emanated from fuel combustion activities, and the remaining from fugitive fuel emissions. This project is aimed at supporting the Government of Nigeria in developing a National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) for the country's power sector. The NAMA targets solar power systems as entry points for achieving a transformation in the electricity mix with a goal of having 20GW of electricity in the country generated from solar energy.

The project is building on existing national development policies and initiatives that seek to place public de-risking instruments to support the more efficient and effective participation of the private sector in the country's power sector. The project is developing the NAMA architecture and enabling conditions through a combination of complementary policy and financial de-risking instruments which will be validated through the implementation of the 100MW solar power plant. Therefore, the overall goal of the project is De-risking Renewable Energy for the Nigerian Power Sector.

Achievements in previous calendar year (2017)

Through the project, a number of consultations were hed with solar power systems investors aimed at identifying partners to support the development of the baseline project, the first Commercial Solar Power Plant. Additionally, engagements were held with Lagos Energy Academy (LEA) that led to the identification of experts to support the training LEA’s staff. A demonstration project for the creation of Solar-Based Electricity Markets and Up-takers towards de-risking renewable energy development through the design, construction and operationalization of solar-powered agro-processing cottage industries in Ogun and Jigawa States was completed.