Closing Remarks by Ms. Elsie Attafuah Resident Representative, UNDP Nigeria at the Inaugural Northwest Peace & Security Summit, in Katsina State

June 28, 2024




His Excellency the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,

His Excellencies, The Executive Governors of Northwestern States.

His Excellencies, The Deputy Governors of Northwestern States.

The Rt Hon Speaker of the Northwest State House of Assembly

The Hon Attorney General from the Northwest 

The Hon. Chief Judges from the Northwestern states 

The Hon. Judges and Khadis

The Magistrate and Sharia Court Judges 

Their Royal Highnesses, Emirs from the Northwestern States.

The Traditional and Community leaders present. 

The United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator 

The Development partners present

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen

Ladies and gentlemen,


As we bring this landmark Summit to a close in the beautiful Katsina State, it feels as if we have planted the seeds of a grand new beginning. The energy and commitment witnessed over these past days have been nothing short of inspiring, illuminating the transformative power of collective action when united by a common purpose.

First and foremost, allow me to extend my deepest gratitude to your excellencies, the Governors of this region. Your trust in UNDP to partner in this critical process is a testament to your visionary leadership and a reflection of our strong, ongoing partnership. Your courage and foresight have been pivotal, and for that, we are profoundly thankful.

I would also like to commend the dedication and enthusiasm of the more than 200 delegates who participated in this summit. You brought not only your expertise and perspectives but also an unwavering commitment to the cause of peace and development. Your contributions have been invaluable.

Throughout our discussions, we have tackled the most pressing issues facing the Northwest region. Despite these daunting realities, the resilience and optimism each delegate has shown are truly inspiring. It feels like we have all come equipped with a toolkit of hope, ready to build a brighter future, one brick at a time.

Our conversations have been both robust and enlightening. We have explored collective strategies for lasting peace and security, discussed regional cooperation, and devised integrated solutions for future development. As we gather our thoughts and prepare to depart, it is crucial to remember that our journey does not end here. In fact, it has only just begun. Establishing a robust framework for peace, security, and development is a long path that requires even greater effort and collaboration. We must stay vigilant and proactive, addressing conflict, fragility, and development in tandem. A I stressed in my keynote address, these interconnected challenges demand a holistic and integrated approach.

UNDP is committed to continuing our close collaboration with our Sister Agencies, under the capable leadership of the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Nigeria, to support post-summit engagements. We are in this for the long haul, ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

As we conclude, I want to thank each and every one of you for your dedication, insights, and yes, even your humor. Let us keep the spirit of this summit alive—with hard work, more hard work, and determination.

Together, we can turn these seeds of hope into a flourishing garden of peace and prosperity. Thank you, travel safely, and may peace be upon us all.