New Director to lead the United Nations Development Programme in the Nordics

1. December 2021

Oslo, 1 December 2021

Today, Henrik Fredborg Larsen, takes up his post as new Director of the Nordic Representation Office for the United Nations Development Programme UNDP. In this role, Fredborg Larsen will strengthen partnerships across the Nordics including with governments, parliaments, civil society, academia and the private sector. In addition, he will raise awareness on global challenges and solutions, and manage UN City in Copenhagen.

”I’m pleased to welcome Henrik as the new Director of our Nordic office. He brings more than 20 years of experience of working on development and crisis across the globe. I am confident that Henrik will strengthen our important work with our Nordic partners to accelerate progress on the Sustainable Development Goals”, said Ulrika Modéer, UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Director of the Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy.

“I am proud and happy to join a team of dedicated colleagues and to work closely with our important Nordic partners on shared priorities such as the promotion of democratic governance and the rule of law, addressing root causes of conflict and action on inequalities, climate change and the environment Fredborg Larsen stated. 

He joins the Nordic team after having served as UNDP senior adviser for Africa strategic partnerships with Europe and previously holding the position of UNDP Resident Representative in Angola. Fredborg Larsen has also held senior positions within the UN system in countries such as Nepal, Bangladesh and UNDP’s regional office for Asia and the Pacific.

“As champions of multilateralism and longstanding partners to UNDP, the Nordic countries have shown continuous leadership in shaping a more inclusive, sustainable and peaceful world where no one is left behind. Given the complex and interlinked challenges facing the world right now, nothing could be more important,”  Fredborg Larsen concluded.

For more information, please contact: UNDP Communication Advisor for the Nordics, Carolina Given-Sjölander at or +46 707 60 20 77.