Voices of Birds

Voices of Birds
December 15, 2020
The book contains poems by Irina Romanovskaya, a prominent birdwatcher, and a geographer. In every piece of poetry, the characters are the prominent representatives of the endangered biodiversity: birds. They approach people, introduce themselves, and voice their concerns. The book seems a good opportunity to build a bridge between humans and animals, familiarize children with the wonderful world of avian friends and instill love in them. After all, birds have a special place in the wild and human life.
In addition to the beauty arousing aesthetic enjoyment, they perform a number of important functions in the natural environment. Birds affect natural biocenoses by consuming large quantities of animal and plant food, regulate the number of invertebrates and vertebrates by eating worms, mollusks, insects, amphibians, and rodents, and also contribute to the spread of seeds, that is to say, the dispersal of plants. According to the most recent data, Kyrgyzstan is the habitat for 407 bird species, of which 57 are listed in the country's Red Book, which means they require special attention for protection and conservation.
We must take a different attitude towards the natural environment! After all, it is rather our ally than our enemy.