Introduction of Digital Systems in Kunduz and Bamyan Municipalities

January 3, 2021

Training session on digital system in Bamyan municipality. © UNDP Afghanistan / LoGo / 2020

UNDP organized a week-long training program on the use and application of municipal digital systems in Kunduz and Bamyan, followed by a city-wide public awareness campaign. Conducted in line with the Digital Transformation Catalytic Fund’s (DTCF) objective to promote the use of digital technologies for business continuity and service delivery during the COVID-19 restrictions, these programs are being implemented right after installation of networking, PABX, computers and other IT facilities in both municipalities which support remote business continuity.

The main objective of the training program was to enhance and bolster the technical capacity of the municipal officials and their relevant stakeholders such as MABs, Gender and Youth Committee and School Management Committees (SMCs) on the use and application of municipal digital system in their day-to-day business activities to provide a speedier service delivery while reducing face-to-face interaction with municipal clients. Other objectives include aims to educate the public on new service delivery systems in municipalities which add effectiveness and efficiency, to apprise them about ways to protect themselves from the hazards of COVID-19 and encourage them to promote the system and take protective measures, among others, to keep themselves and others as safe as possible. The program was supported with printing materials including brochures, stand banners, posters, etc. which will be used for city-wide and house-to-house awareness raising.

Awareness raising on digital system in a remote area in Bamyan municipality © UNDP Afghanistan / 2020

Around 66 municipal officials (9 women) in both municipalities were instructed on how to apply digital systems, using email, google drive, Skype and zoom meetings during home restrictions. In addition, 89 youth volunteers (28 women), municipal staff and CSO members in Bamyan were trained on promoting the use of municipal digital system and among communities. From the 89 Bamyan youth volunteers, 30 members are currently conducting awareness-raising among communities. In Kunduz, volunteer teams are being set up to facilitate awareness-building among the communities.

The DTCF project has been appreciated by the Bamyan and Kunduz mayors in their opening speeches, who recognized the timely and sincere support of UNDP to protect the people of Bamyan and Kunduz from the stressful situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The mayors requested UNDP to extend its support during winter which is expected to be the peak time for the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

This initiative funded by the Digital Transformation Catalytic Fund (DTCF), which aims to promote business continuity and service delivery in municipalities during the COVID-19 pandemic.