Legal Gender Recognition in China: A Legal and Policy Review

Legal Gender Recognition in China: A Legal and Policy Review

August 5, 2018

This report, Legal Gender Recognition in China: A Legal and Policy Review, provides an important resource for the inclusion of transgender people in Chinese laws and policies. The report provides specific recommendations and suggested actions that will promote legal gender recognition and inclusion for transgender people and, if adopted, will facilitate an enabling environment for transgender people to access education, employment, health and other public services. The report also highlights transgender community efforts and initiatives that could serve as new platforms for asserting transgender inclusion and those which could open the doors for more enhanced collaboration among the various sectors.

The Legal Gender Recognition in China: A Legal and Policy Review is part of a multi-country initiative, jointly implemented by UNDP and the Asia Pacific Transgender Network (APTN), which undertook a comprehensive review of existing laws, policies and practices related to legal gender recognition for transgender people in Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and Thailand.

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