Citizens Budget Guide Solomon Islands
Citizens Budget Guide Solomon Islands
April 1, 2021
You are reading the Citizens Budget Guide of the Solomon Islands for 2020. It is simplified budget information for citizens to provide an understanding of how the budget affects their life. Citizens Budget Guide is one of such tools that will allow a person to control the filling and spending of the budget.
You are taxpayers, your money is used to maintain social institutions, housing and communal services are being developed, roads are being built and overhauled, and many other expenses are made. You deduct money into the budget and have the right to know - whether it is spent effectively, for what purposes are directed to financing. You get a real opportunity to participate in the budget process, not in words but deeds. After all, the more people understand the budget process and are involved in the budget process, the better the result will be.
The 2020 Budget theme is, “Together, Towards Growing Our Economy”. The theme is built on the lessons learned from the past and present and to redirect resources to develop the Solomon Islands into a nation that is economically strong, fair, and sustainable. Therefore, we call for active participation to get acquainted with the Citizens Budget Guide in 2020.