Strengthening Legislatures in Pacific Island Countries
The Strengthening Legislatures in Pacific Island Countries project is for three years to strengthen six legislatures in the Pacific – Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia.
The project supports parliaments to become more effective and efficient by strengthening legislation and oversight committees, and building the capacities of legislators and staff professionalism.
What we do
- Enhance the committees' capabilities to carry out their legislative and oversight functions, including skills to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals, development issues and gender are mainstreamed across parliaments' work.
- Increase the capacities of Members of Parliament and improve professionalism to fulfil their obligations by giving them exposure to other parliaments through the South-South-Triangular cooperation.
- Improve parliamentary financial oversight with a more participatory and transparent system
- Increase the number of potential women candidates who are aware of the work of parliament and increase the number of citizens that recognize women as potential parliamentarians.