The painting “Dawn in the mangrove forest" won first prize in the drawing competition “Mangroves protect lives and minimize impact of climate change”

December 17, 2019

Ca Mau Province, 14 December 2019 – The Award Ceremony for the drawing competition “Mangroves protect lives and minimize the impact of climate change” was organized at Phan Ngoc Hien Specialized High School with the participation of over 1,000 students from many high schools in the province.

The drawing competition and the award ceremony were organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Vietnam, in collaboration with the Viet Nam Administration of Forestry and Viet Nam Disaster Management Authority (under Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development). The drawing competition was carried out under the project "Improving the resilience of coastal communities to climate change in Viet Nam" with support from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), UNDP and the Viet Nam Government.

The main aim of this competition is to raise awareness among high school students of the importance of mangroves to minimize the impacts of climate change, and to call on the community to participate in mangrove planting and regeneration in Viet Nam's coastal provinces.

The target audience for this competition was high school students, and more than 500 paintings were submitted from 18 high schools in the coastal provinces of Nam Dinh, Thanh Hoa, Quang Nam, Phu Yen and Ca Mau.

The competition showed the students’ understanding of the importance of mangroves in protecting lives of people and biodiversity as well as mitigating the effects of climate change through their drawings and presentation.

The first prize was awarded to group members Lam Nhat Hai and Cao Vu Thuy (Tac Van high school in Ca Mau) for the painting “Dawn in the mangrove forest". Two second prizes were awarded to Cao Cam Nhi (Tac Van high school – Ca Mau) for the painting “The role of mangroves in responding to change and protecting the environment” and Vo Phuong Thao (Phu Hung high school – Ca Mau) for the painting “The role of mangroves in the Mekong Delta”. There were also three third prizes, six consolation prizes, two prizes for the most submissions and one prize for the submission that received the most votes on social media.

At the award ceremony, Mr. Dao Xuan Lai – UNDP Head of Climate Change and Environment Unit in Viet Nam said: “Practices in Viet Nam and globally have shown the effect of mangroves in protecting people, property, facilities and reducing damage caused by natural hazards and extreme climate events. In addition, mangroves play an important role in people's livelihoods, cleaning up the environment, creating eco-tourism landscapes and removing greenhouse gasses that help to reduce climate change. The competition also calls for practical actions from students and communities to join hands in protecting mangrove forests for the future with less risk of climate change impacts.”

Mr Trieu Van Luc, Director of Department of Forest Development – Viet Nam Administration of Forestry shared that: “We must stick to five criteria for reviewing and assessing the paintings. A lot of great works, both in content, form and the message inside painting. We appreciate the participation of the school as well as the students involved in the contest.”

During the award ceremony, students from the high schools in Ca Mau province joined a parade with the messages “Mangroves protect lives and minimize the impact of climate change”. This event has attracted many local people.

More photos of the award ceremony: is external)
See the drawing:
(link is external)
Videos: Trailer(link is external), Judges' interview(link is external) and final video(link is external)

More information, please kindly contact:
Phan Huong Giang
CCE Media and Communications Analyst
United Nations Development Programme
Email:; mob: 0948466688

Vu Thai Truong
Programme Management Specialist
United Nations Development Programme
Email:; Mob: 0913082727