Sustainable Transport: Full Sized Project


The project aims to reduce the growth of the energy consumption and the related greenhouse gas emissions of the transport sector in Egypt. It also works on the mitigation of the local environmental and other problems of increasing traffic such as deteriorated urban air quality and congestion. In this respect, it addresses four outcomes: new, integrated public transport services for Cairo, Modal Share of non – motorized transport in small and middle size provincial cities, introduction of the Transport Demand Management, Improved Energy Efficiency of Freight Transport and enhanced awareness and capacity to promote sustainable transport sector development.

  • The signing of a cooperation protocol between the EEAA / Ministry of Environment and the New Urban Communities Authority / Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Development, the Egyptian Company for Management and Operation of the Metro / Ministry of Transport and Giza Governorate to implement a pilot project for the construction of seven bus lines financed and operated by the private sector. October and Sheikh Zayed and Dream Land Metro Station Cairo University, and provide a level of service to convince the private car users to use those lines and connect to the second subway line at Cairo Metro Station to achieve integration.
  • Completion of a field study to identify and report on actual factors for fuel consumption, emission of pollutants and greenhouse gases for vehicles while operating under the actual operating conditions in Greater Cairo.
  • Signing a contract from Giza Governorate to the New Urban Communities Authority for the management and operation of the new bus lines and the approval of the Board of Directors of the New Urban Communities Authority to allocate the land of the final stations and garages for the new buses in the cities of October 6 and Sheikh Zayed.
  • Signing a protocol of cooperation between the EEAA / Ministry of Environment and Fayoum and Menoufia governorates to implement the pilot project to establish a new network of pedestrian and bicycle paths in Fayoum and Shebin El Koum cities.
  • Implementation of the revolving loan program for the purchase of bicycles, the installation of bicycle waiting units, and the preparation for the development of some bicycle maintenance shops through NGOs according to the agreement between the project and the small grant program GEF Small Grant Program to finance these activities
  • Launching a long-term campaign to raise awareness of the importance of walking, cycling and spreading this culture in Fayoum and Shebin El Koum cities.
  • Providing and equipping Cairo governorate with the headquarters of the control center for the operation of electronic signals, implementation of acceptance tests on the components of the system, and training technicians from Cairo Governorate to operate and maintain the system.
  • The implementation of the bicycle paths in the streets within the scope of the pilot project for the establishment of a new network of pedestrian and bicycle paths in Shebin El Koum and Fayoum was completed with funding from the project. The project was handed over to the two Governorates with the implementation of the revolving loan program for the purchase of bicycles, To raise awareness of the importance of walking and the use of bicycles and the dissemination of this culture in the two governorates in coordination with the NGO partners, and the project supported the formation of two teams of young bikes in both provinces and the organization of bicycle tours in the provinces and other provinces.
  • The development of a system for the collection and analysis of traffic data - the first phase of the National Vehicle Emissions Monitoring System / Environmental Monitoring System and Traffic System: The objective is to establish an interactive / live video analysis program recorded using road monitoring cameras and key axes (maximizing the use of existing systems).
  • A study was conducted on the use of electric vehicles, hybrid gasoline, hybrid diesel, hybrid natural gas, and fuel cell vehicles in the transport sector in Egypt.
  • A report was prepared on the calculation of the emission coefficients for small gasoline cars in Greater Cairo per kilometer under the actual operating conditions in Greater Cairo.
  • A number of training courses for the engineers of the urban planning departments in the provincial capitals have been carried out on the requirements of the transport infrastructure and sustainable development, as well as examples of the lack of integration between transport and land use in the existing and new cities.
  • ·Following up the implementation of the cooperation protocol for the implementation of the pilot project for the establishment of seven bus lines offering a special service level financed and operated by the private sector to link the 6th of October, Sheikh Zayed and Dreamland cities with Cairo University Metro Station. (For which the order was issued) to sign the contract for the implementation of the pilot project.
  • An initial field study on the feasibility of applying the Bike Sharing system to facilitate the transfer of students from the main entrances to Fayoum and Shebin El Koum cities, such as the positions and gatherings of mass transport from outside the city and train stations to the university, is being carried out in coordination with UNHABITAT Regarding this study
  • The Cairo Governorate operates a variable-signal electronic signal system to provide citizens with information on the parking spaces in central Cairo after they have been handed over to them. The Italian-Egyptian consortium, which designed and implemented the electronic signal system, provides the required technical support and maintenance work. For 5 years from the beginning of operation according to contract, and the continuation of the project management in the follow-up operation of the electronic signal system with the officials of the province.
Project Document



January 2009


March 2021






Egyptian Environmental Affairs




Global Environment Fund Trustee














Full Project information