Gender Equality
What we do
During the last years, promotion of gender equality and human rights of women in Armenia has witnessed both progress and challenges. In line with its international commitments, the country has made significant strides in adopting legislative and policy reforms path to foster gender equality and to combat violence against women.
Gender equality and women’s empowerment has been at the core of UNDP in Armenia’s work since its inception in 1992. UNDP promotes gender equality by integrating gender equality concerns in all areas of work, in particular, through:
- delivering opportunities for women’s economic empowerment;
- engaging women in decision-making in the public sector;
- engendering public administration system in Armenia
- exploring opportunities for climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, taking into account the specific experiences and needs of women and men;
- collaborating with the UN Agencies to address and prevent violence and all forms of discrimination against women and girls; and
- designing interventions tailored to the specific needs of women and men from disadvantaged minority groups.
UNDP works in multidisciplinary approach for women empowerment and gender equality, with initiatives in the sphere of local governance, integrity-building, youth leadership advancement, design of innovative public services – where women drive the change.
With its signature ThinkEQUAL conversations series UNDP facilitates discourse on topics aspects of gender equality and women empowerment in different areas, including private sector, governance, creative industries and other.