UNDP Serbia


Who we are

UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end the injustice of poverty, inequality, and climate change. Working with our broad network of experts and partners in 170 countries, we help nations to build integrated, lasting solutions for people and planet.

What we do

UNDP’s work in Serbia is guided by its Country Programme Document (2021-2025)(link is external), and the UN-Serbia Development Partnership Framework for 2016-2020(link is external), which is in line with the priorities of the Government of Serbia. Evaluation of previous CPD is available here(link is external). UNDP assists Serbia to meet its international obligations and requirements for the European Union accession.

UNDP works in partnership with the Government of Serbia, development partners, UN agencies, civil society and local communities to help identify local solutions to meet national and global development challenges. With our expertise we contribute to the development of Serbia by providing support in four key focus areas:

·      Inclusive and sustainable growth;

·      Building and strengthening of accountable and representative governance institutions serving people;

·      Low-carbon and climate-resilient development; and

·      Gender Equality and lives free of violence



Population, million (2020); Source: SORS


GDP per capita in US$ (2020); Source: The World Bank


Unemployment rate (2021); Source: SORS


Human Development Index (2020); Source: UNDP, HDR Report


of the National Parliament seats held by women (2020); Source: SORS


of renewables in final energy consumption (2021); Source: SORS - Energy Balance of Republic of Serbia