Fast Facts: The UN Joint Devolution Programme: Consolidating Gains and Deepening Devolution in Kenya

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Since 2014, UNDP has been supporting Kenya’s transition to the system of devolved government.

The project aims to achieve the following:

  • National and county governments have strengthened capacities for formulation and implementation of policy, legal and institutional frameworks and mechanisms for coordinated, inclusive and effective service delivery at devolved level.
  • Public financial management institutions have strengthened processes and systems for equitable, efficient and accountable service delivery.
  • County level institutions have strengthened capacity for evidence-based planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for accountable service delivery.
  • People in Kenya have capacity to engage, deepen accountability and transparency in devolution, especially women, youth and persons with disability.

The Fast Fact details the impact realised by the project.

Compiled by Timothy Maina.