Social Cohesion

UNDP also supports youth and women to become active agents of change in their communities, to advocate for human rights and gender equality, by promoting initiatives and engaging them in strengthening social cohesion among different ethnic communities. Civic engagement and voice mechanisms for meaningful participation of youth and women in decision making processes are integrated in our programming. 

With UNDP’s support in youth-led innovative and transformational development responses to the impact of gender norms and stereotypes, youth has been empowered to become drivers of gender equality, development, and positive peace. 

Intercommunity dialogue through cultural heritage and building positive peace 

UNDP works on strengthening social cohesion in Kosovo through cultural and religious heritage protection, engaging communities, especially youth and women from Albanian, Serbian, Gorani, Bosniak, Croat, Turkish, Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in activities ranging from preservation of intangible cultural heritage to skills development for economic empowerment. The aim is to contribute to improved inter-community trust through cultural heritage protection, preservation, and promotion, fostering mutual respect and dialogue. 

UNDP supports sustainable and inclusive economic revival and development in Janjevë/Janjevo through heritage-led initiatives, ranging from the renovation, rehabilitation and preservation of the historic centre, the revival of traditional crafts, increasing the attractiveness of place through upgrading of physical infrastructure, to supporting businesses to adapt to emerging needs, promoting non-traditional economic activities, and equipping young people with marketable skills.

Dealing with the past

UNDP supports transitional justice processes in Kosovo, cooperating closely with central and local institutions, associations, CSOs dealing with missing persons issues and the families of missing persons to address the conflict legacy and foster reconciliation and sustainable peace in communities. The efforts include increasing closure of missing persons cases, increasing returns to sensitive areas in Kosovo, developing capacities of institutions dealing with domestic conflict related crimes trials and reconciliation efforts while using a gender-responsive approach. UNDP has supported capacity development of key public institutions dealing with the missing persons while helping the families of missing persons to actively participate in and lead the process of peace making and reconciliation.

Youth for Inclusion Equality and Trust 

A regional, multi-agency project, funded by the Secretary General’s Peacebuilding Funds (PBF), the focus is on engagement with young women and men to address divisive and exclusive narratives and hate speech. Interventions are designed to engage young people between 15-29 years of age to equip them with capacities to challenge stereotypes, prejudices, and contribute to positive and lasting change. Throughout the designing and implementation processes, a bottom-up and gender equal approach has been adopted to integrate youth voice and perspectives at all levels and to foster changemakers in the communities. Cross-regional synergies are also introduced through learning exchanges of public officials and policy makers. 

Environmental justice

Environmental hazards are increasingly and unequally affecting different groups, and disproportionally vulnerable ones, including socio-economically fragile population, women and marginalized communities. UNDP has embarked on a mission to lessen these negative effects by engaging in environmental justice, which has emerged as a nexus bridging governance, peace, and human rights. This new project also provides an avenue to bring together divided communities by allowing them to recognize common interests, priorities and needs, by applying the Leave No One Behind principle but also by considering the differing needs of women and men contributing to gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Building upon UNDP’s experience in enhancing inter-community dialogue, gender equality and human rights, amongst other core areas of work, the project will focus on supporting joint knowledge and network building between communities in Kosovo to understand, access and uphold their rights through the common interest area of environmental justice, in a gender responsive manner.