UNDP and the UN
Leadership structure
In Tanzania, Ms. Christine Musisi serves as UNDP Resident Representative, tasked with providing both managerial and substantive leadership for sustainable development. Ms. Musisi represents UNDP when engaging with government agencies, the UN country Team as well as with all partners and stakeholders.
Mr. Sergio Valdini serves as UNDP Deputy Resident Representative and is the second most senior UNDP official. In Ms. Musisi’s absence, Mr. Valdini acts as Officer-in-Charge.
How UNDP Tanzania work with other UN agencies?
In the context of Delivering as One, UNDP is committed to working together with sister agencies, not only in terms of participation in Joint Programmes with a focus on regions (e.g. . the Kigoma and Zanzibar Joint Programmes), but also in terms of joint implementation of specific projects, such as the Legislative Support Project where UNDP works hand in hand with UNWOMEN. UNDP also provides a wide range of operational, financial, administrative and logistics services as part of the Common Services or directly to a number of sister UN agencies, with a view to reducing transaction costs.
United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation (UNSDCF): 2022-2027
The United Nations (UN) system, in collaboration with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania (GURT), presents the 2022-2027 United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for Tanzania. It outlines a coherent plan of action and enables a coordinated UN response to contribute more efficiently and effectively to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the national development goals of the third National Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP III) and the 2021-2026 Zanzibar Development Plan (ZADEP). The framework also aims to contribute towards achieving Tanzania’s regional commitments and aspirations, including the East Africa Community Vision 2050 and the Africa Agenda 2063.
UNDP will contribute to the priority areas of the UNSDCF through its integrator role, in bringing a transformative approach to development that accelerates socio-economic and governance results while ensuring national ownership and sustainability. UNDP will build on its track record in bringing innovative integrated solutions to addressing poverty, inequalities, impacts of climate change and governance challenges at the policy, institutional and community levels including through digitalization to enhance public service delivery, address corruption and promote citizens’ participation in parliamentary and governance affairs; technology transfer, particularly in agriculture, renewable energy and water resource management which have helped commercialize small-holder agriculture for women and youth, increased access to electricity and clean water for off-grid communities and initiated community ownership in sustainable land and water management; innovative financing instruments that have increased domestic and foreign direct investments in agri-business and urban infrastructure and ecosystem level partnerships and engagement in co-creating innovative and transformative development solutions to the complex challenges of the post COVID-19 era. Transformative leadership development for women, youth and key governance institutional leaders will be essential in catalysing rapid, sustainable change.
UNDP as Administrative Agent for the Tanzania One UN Fund
The objective of the Tanzania One UN Fund, under the management and leadership of the Government and the UN Resident Coordinator, is to support the coherent resource mobilization, allocation and disbursement of new donor resources to unfunded elements of the One UN Programme (UNDAP II) and to support new initiatives responding to emerging needs within the context of the One UN Programme.
The UNDP Multi Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) Office has been appointed the Administrative Agent of the Tanzania One UN Fund. Its responsibilities include the receipt, administration and management of contributions from Donors; disbursement of such funds to the Participating UN Organizations in accordance with the approved Annual Work Plans/Programmatic Documents and the provision of consolidated reports.
UN agencies in the country
The UN System is represented by 23 resident and non-resident agencies. These agencies operate together as a United Nations System, with a common purpose, pursuing common approaches to partnership, country networking, guided by core shared values and principles. More information on the collective work of the UN in Tanzania can be found at https://tanzania.un.org/