Nominations for the 2019 Oslo Business for Peace Award now open

August 22, 2018

Oslo – Together with its partners at the International Chamber of Commerce, Principles for Responsible Investment, United Nations Development Programme, and United Nations Global Compact, the Business for Peace Foundation is now seeking candidates for the 2019 Oslo Business for Peace Award. 2019 marks the 10th anniversary of the Award.

The Award is the highest distinction given to a business leader who exemplifies outstanding businessworthy accomplishments: ethically and responsibly creating value both for business and society.

The challenges we face as a society require us as business leaders to truly step up – through our values and through our business models – to enable sustainable and innovative solutions for the future. The Oslo Business for Peace Award Honourees are excellent role models in this regard and their stories deserve to be shared and celebrated.

Per L. Saxegaard, Founder and Chair, Business for Peace Foundation

Candidates are nominated through a global, bottom-up process through the Foundation’s global partners. Then, Honourees are selected by an independent committee consisting of Nobel Laureates in peace and economics. Candidates are evaluated on the criteria of being a role model to society and their peers, having earned trust by stakeholders, and standing out as an advocate.

Previous winners include Elon Musk (Tesla and SolarCity), Paul Polman (Unilever), Marilyn Carlson Nelson (Carlson Companies), Richard Branson (Virgin Group), Sarah Beydoun (Sarah’s Bag), Edgar Montenegro (Corpocampo), Martin Naughton (Glen Dimplex Group), and 

Durreen Shahnaz (Impact Investment Exchange).

Business can be crucial in identifying issues and challenges in their communities both socially and economically. We as business leaders have the opportunity to leverage our resources and respond quicker than government organizations are able to. We should be leading the way, demonstrating how to get things done, and in sending out the message that we can be a great business, but with a heart as well.”

– Lori Blaker (TTi Global), 2018 Honouree

“Awards like the Oslo Business for Peace Award truly show that business can be about more than dollars – that it can impact and change society and people’s lives in a positive way.”

–  Murad Al-Katib (AGT Food and Ingredients), 2017 Honouree

The deadline to nominate a candidate is October 21, 2018. Nominations can be submitted online through the nomination partners’ websites. Winners of the 2019 Oslo Business for Peace Award will be announced March 20, 2019 and will be presented with the award at Oslo City Hall on May 15, 2019 in a public ceremony.

How to nominate a candidate

Help us celebrate businessworthy leaders and nominate a candidate for the 2019 Award.  To submit a nomination, fill out the form on the Business for Peace Award Nomination website.

Organisers look forward to receiving nominations of qualified business leaders and to use this opportunity to engage with the private sector at the global, regional, and national levels.

Candidates can come from a wide variety of business backgrounds and industries. Previous Award recipients range from a United Kingdom product designer who has created sustainable refrigeration, to a Nigerian entrepreneur who has increased the overall returns to rice farmers through improved quality, enhanced productivity, and guaranteed crop buy-back.

There are three evaluation criteria: 1) being a role model to society and their peers; 2) having earned trust by stakeholders; 3) standing out as an advocate. Please consider these criteria when filling out the nomination form.

Nominations can be submitted until October 21, 2018. Please save or print a copy of the nomination form for your records.


About the Business for Peace Foundation and the Award

Business for Peace is an international foundation based in Oslo that aims to support, inspire, and recognise global business leaders who are positively changing the face of business. At the centre of the Foundation’s activities is the annual Oslo Business for Peace Award, conferred to exceptional individuals who exemplify the Foundation’s concept of being businessworthy: ethically and responsibly creating value both for both business and society. Through the recognition of these individuals, the Foundation’s mission is to unlock the positive power of business to achieve peace and prosperity.

Award Honourees are selected by an independent committee consisting of Nobel Laureates in peace and economics. The current Award Committee consists of Ouided Bouchamaoui (Tunisia), Shirin Ebadi (Iran), Leymah Gbowee (Liberia), Finn Kydland (Norway), and Eric Maskin (USA).

The Foundation also hosts an annual Summit bringing together business leaders, investors, leaders of NGOs, politicians, academics, and civil society from across the world to discuss the practical actions needed in order to make substantial and sustainable business contributions to society.

For more information, contact:

Business for Peace Foundation

Telephone: +47 92810410
