UNDP Country Programme 2017 - 2021
UNDP Country Programme 2017 - 2021
April 15, 2019
The programme priorities captured in the 2017-2021 CPD firmly support the SDGs to which Jamaica has subscribed. They are anchored in the United Nations Multi-country Sustainable Development Framework (MSDF) for the Caribbean and the UNDP Strategic Plan, 2014-2017. In 2015, the United Nations and the Governments of the Caribbean decided to move from six United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks to a common United Nations MSDF. National consultations were conducted in 15 countries including Jamaica to ensure that the United Nations Common Multi-country Assessment focuses on development challenges that are central to national development needs. Four key priority areas emerged, which will inform the national and regional actions of the United Nations system and partners over the next five years: (a) a sustainable and resilient Caribbean; (b) a safe, cohesive and just Caribbean; (c) a healthy Caribbean; and (d) an inclusive, equitable and prosperous Caribbean. These national and subregional priorities were validated with 17 Caribbean Governments and are fully aligned with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Strategic Plan (2015-2019), the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
16. At the country level, CPD orientations were derived from extensive consultations with partners and are fully aligned with the Vision 2030 Jamaica: National Development Plan and its Medium-term Framework. The CPD thus describes UNDP commitments for the period in cooperation with national and international partners.