12 Sites to Receive Solar PV Installations

February 26, 2021

The GCCA+ Project, funded by the EU and implemented by the UNDP, issued an Open Call in July 2020 for sites at which small-scale, roof-mounted, solar photovoltaic (PV) installations could be done.  These installations form part of the agenda to progress renewable energy deliverables towards achieving the National Determined Contributions (NDC) of Trinidad and Tobago to the Paris Agreement [The Paris Agreement | UNFCCC(link is external)]

The call attracted 164 applications from organizations across Trinidad and Tobago.  Applications were subjected to a rigorous site selection criteria and evaluation process that resulted in the shortlisting of twelve (12) sites that are representative of a cross-section of non-governmental, community-based, and environmental conservation organizations.  A second technical evaluation of the shortlisted sites is currently underway and should be completed by the second quarter of 2021.


Beneficiaries of these solar installations will be pioneers in sustainable energy with reduced carbon emissions, greater energy security and will receive training in the operation and maintenance of these systems to ensure longevity.

The 12 installations will become live examples for others who may be considering the adoption of similar approaches to renewable power generation and energy efficiency.

One of the key deliverables of the project is to sensitize the public and raise awareness about the benefits and accessibility of renewable energy.  As the project progresses through to installation, details will be shared via a comprehensive communication plan visible on social and mainstream media. 

The GCCA+ Project team and its donor, the European Union (EU) is happy to support Trinidad and Tobago as it increases its resilience against the impacts of climate change.