A group of young junior professional officers posing in the office


DTTA FAQs 2022

The Duty-related Travel and Training Allocation (DTTA) is provided by the sponsoring Partner Country for work-related learning activities, such as participation in seminars, workshops or other learning-related activities in the duty station or abroad, such as learning assignments.

*The below rules also apply to the Specialist Development Programme (SDP) managed by the JPOSC.

*Please note that we are currently updating the DTTA FAQ sections related to payment procedures and booking of DTTA travel. In the meantime, please reach out to your JPOSC HR focal point with questions you may have in this regard. Moreover, please be aware that DTTA related expenses should be claimed right after the training has taken place and no later than one year after the payments were made. Claims received more than one year later cannot be reimbursed. 


PART 1: DTTA Use & Amount


    The DTTA allocation is granted on an annual basis. The objective of the DTTA is to strengthen and develop the knowledge and skills of the JPOs in a manner relevant to their assignment in order to enhance their performance. For this reason, the DTTA is to be utilised during the assignment and no later than 1 month before the end of the last year of contract.

    Utilisation of the DTTA must be done in consultation with and approved by the JPO's direct supervisor. Each UNDP office will also have a Talent Development Manager who is a useful resource for learning discussions.

    If JPOs or their supervisors are in doubt about the DTTA eligibility of an intended training, they can consult the UNDP JPO Service Centre in advance.

    If you are a JPO assigned to an agency other than UNDP, you may also need approval from the agency focal point.

    The amount of the yearly DTTA allocation is donor-specific and may be subject to change on short notice, although this is rare. If the JPO contract is extended for less than a year, the DTTA is pro-rated accordingly. Extensions funded by the organisation do not include additional DTTA allowance.

    * DTTA funding only applies for the first 2 years of the assignment.


    Sponsoring GovernmentAllowance (US$)
    Rep. of Korea3,000
    Saudi Arabia3,000
    The Netherlands 4,000
    United Arab Emirates3,000
    United Kingdom5,000
    United States 3,000


    Unspent DTTA funds can be carried over to the following contract year. However, DTTA funds cannot be advanced, e.g. from the 2nd year to the 1st year. Any unspent DTTA by the end of the JPO assignment will not be paid out as part of the separation process.



    For HQ-based and RBAP JPO/SDPs:
    Management of the DTTA allowance is done by the JPOSC, including the monitoring of the amount available. JPOs are encouraged to keep track of their DTTA budget. They may however contact their HR focal point with the JPO Service Centre for information on their current DTTA balance if necessary.

    For Country Office-based JPO/SDPs:
    Management of the DTTA allowance is decentralised to the UNDP country offices, including the monitoring of the amount available. JPOs are encouraged to keep track of their DTTA budget. They may however contact their HR focal point with the JPO Service Centre for information on their current DTTA balance if necessary.

    Payments for DTTA activities will only be made once an activity has been identified and approved by the supervisor/agency focal point as applicable.



    The DTTA is intended and earmarked to support your professional development. The DTTA budget can be used for participation in training courses as well as participation in relevant Workshops and organized events. DTTA may also be used for Learning Assignments of shorter duration in another office, please refer to question no. 7 (part 1).

    Please note that DTTA should not be used to support office missions which are linked to your function, such office missions should be borne by the office



    Yes – the below activities cannot be covered by the DTTA budget:

    • Should not be used for language and computer training. These types of training are a prerequisite for selection and/or may be provided by the sponsoring government prior to the JPO assignment. Language training, in exceptional cases, must be authorised by the sponsoring government.
    • Should not be used for the UN Language Proficiency Examination Fee
    • Should not be used for studies leading to obtaining a degree, as this is a selection prerequisite of the JPO programme.
    • Should not be used to cover training and travel costs related to training courses in the home country. Authorisation from the sponsoring government is needed in exceptional cases.
    • Should not be used to cover the expenses of the UNDP JPO Programme Policy and Operations (PPO) induction course in New York. This course is funded by the sponsoring government.
    • Should not be used to reimburse equipment such as calculator, etc.
    • Should not be used for office missions



    What is a Learning Assignment?

    A Learning Assignment is a mission travel of usually 2-4 weeks in another duty station or unit within your organization where you can use your DTTA to cover the costs. The purpose is to expand your skills and competencies. It is also a good way to network, get exposure to another office and get to know other colleagues through working with them - and for them to get to know you.

    What is the focus of a Learning Assignment?

    The focus of the Learning Assignment can either be to work within the same area as your current job but in a new context or it can be to work in a related area within the overall thematic area of your current assignment.

    How do I arrange for a Learning Assignment?

    To arrange for a Learning Assignment, you should first discuss the possibility with your supervisor. Your supervisor may be able to support you in identifying a relevant Learning Assignment and contacting a duty station. There must be a clear agreement of release period, scope and responsibilities between your supervisor and the supervisor in the other duty station or unit. Therefore, it is important to draft a brief Terms of Reference of your duties during your Learning Assignment, with learning objectives for the mission, so expectations are clearly outlined before taking up the assignment.

    What is the difference between a Learning Assignment and a Detail Assignment?

    A Learning Assignment is different from a regular Detail Assignment as it will be driven by you as a targeted learning activity and funded from your DTTA. A Detail Assignment is driven by a corporate need and in most cases of a longer duration of 3-6 months (or more). Please see separate section on the guidance on pursuing Detail Assignments (in progress).

    What are the steps to take to arrange for a Learning Assignment?

    Below please find a step-by-step guide:

    1. Tip: Search the in the JPO Online Request System to find potential needs from units related to your profile.
    2. Discuss the opportunity with your supervisor.
    3. Contact the hiring manager who will be hosting you during your Learning Assignment – you can contact him/her directly or do it through your supervisor (ideal). Share your P.11 and aspirations for the learning mission.
    4. In collaboration with the hosting office, create a brief description of duties during your Learning Assignment with objectives and scope of responsibilities for your assignment..You can use the template Terms of Reference for this purpose.
    5. Calculate the cost of your travel (Ticket and DSA during the assignment period). The DTTA should cover most of your mission cost (DSA +travel) but if not possible, you can cover the rest yourself. You can consult with your HR focal point/JPOSC on your DTTA balance.
    6. Obtain approval from the JPOSC to use the DTTA for this purpose by submitting the completed and signed DTTA form.
    7. Approval from your donor may also be needed which will be taken care of by the JPOSC.
    8. Once approved, contact your local travel focal point to assist with booking of flights. Note that the travel must be booked via the UNDP travel portal or via your local UNDP focal point.
    9. In connection with booking of flights, a Travel Request is created in UNall in which you can also request payment of DSA. Where applicable and after submission of the Travel Request, an airfare Purchase Order and/or DSA invoice will be autogenerated and sent to JPOSC for final approval.
    10. Make sure to check visa requirements and Covid-restrictions prior to travel and remember to enter your travel details in the UN TRIP system.
    11. You are now ready to undertake your Learning Assignment. .
    12. Upon return, upload boarding pass and submit F10 through UNall.
    13. Upon return, please, also share your experience with your HR Focal point and ensure it is recorded in your PMD under learning /development objectives/activities.



    * Please note that we are currently updating the DTTA FAQ sections related to payment procedures and booking of DTTA travel. In the meantime, please reach out to your JPOSC HR focal point with questions you may have in this regard. The answers to the below questions 6 to 9 are being newly developed. 


    PART 2: DTTA Approval & Payment Procedures




      The DTTA approval procedures for JPOs administered by the JPO Service Centre vary depending on which UN organisation they are assigned to. The different procedures are explained below.*
      As a first step, all JPOs need to complete the Request for use of DTTA form

      1. The JPO identifies a possible learning activity (see Guidelines for use of the DTTA). (see Guidelines for use of the DTTA).
      2. The JPO completes the Request for use of DTTA form
      3. The JPO seeks approval from their supervisor.
      4. For HQ and RBAP-based JPOs:

        The JPO contacts their HR focal point with the JPOSC with the following information:
        • Filled in DTTA form signed by JPO and supervisor.
        • If travel is needed, information about their preferred travel itinerary. NOTE that self-ticketing is not allowed. The flight ticket will be booked by the JPOSC.
        • If the JPO has paid a course provider upfront, a filled in F10 claim with supporting documents is needed for reimbursement.
      5. For Country Office-based JPOs: Upon receipt of the required approvals and if the DTTA activity involves travel, the local UNDP office raises an authorisation for travel including dates of travel and estimated costs of the travel/learning activity (based on approved DSA and travel quote from the local UN travel agency). The authorisation should include both the authorised and the actual itinerary, as well as the purpose of travel.
      6. If JPOs or their supervisors are in doubt about the DTTA eligibility of an intended training, they can consult with the JPOSC in advance.


      The DTTA approval procedures for JPOs administered by the JPO Service Centre vary depending on which UN organisation they are assigned to. The different procedures are explained below.

      As a first step, all JPOs need to complete the Request for use of DTTA form: Request for use of DTTA form.

      1. The JPO identifies a possible learning activity (see Guidelines for use of the DTTA).
      2. The JPO completes the Request for use of DTTA form. Section B is completed by the local UNDP office.
      3. The JPO enquires about the actual balance of their DTTA from the JPOSC.
      4. The JPO completes the UNAIDS’s JPO External Training Approval Form which must be signed and approved by the JPO’s supervisor.
      5. The JPO sends the JPO External Training Approval Form signed by their supervisor to the Chief Organisational Development Division/HRM with copy to odv@unaids.org for approval.
      6. Upon receipt of required approvals and if the DTTA activity involves travel, the local UNDP office raises an authorisation for travel including dates of travel and estimated costs of the travel/learning activity (based on approved DSA and travel quote from the local UN travel agency). The authorisation should include both the authorized and the actual itinerary, as well as the purpose of travel.

      *The rules also apply to UN SARCs managed by the UNDP JPO Service Centre.

      The DTTA approval procedures for JPOs administered by the JPO Service Centre vary depending on which UN organisation they are assigned to. The different procedures are explained below.

      As a first step, all JPOs need to complete the Request for use of DTTA form:

      Request for use of DTTA form

      1. The JPO identifies a possible learning activity.
      2. The JPO completes the Request for use of DTTA form.
      3. The JPO seeks approval from their supervisor.
      4. The JPO sends the supervisor’s approval to the WHO HQ focal point for JPOs.
      5. The WHO focal point approves the learning activity.
      6. Upon receipt of required approvals and if the DTTA activity involves travel, the local UNDP office raises an authorisation for travel including dates of travel and estimated costs of the travel/learning activity (based on approved DSA and travel quote from the local UN travel agency). The authorisation should include both the authorised and the actual itinerary, as well as the purpose of travel.

      No matter which UN agency you are assigned to, the local UNDP country office or the JPOSC (if based in HQ/RBAP) helps monitor and administer the JPO’s DTTA budget (i.e. reimbursement, raising Atlas vouchers, raising travel requisitions). When requesting advance travel payment, payment of training fees or reimbursement of travel costs, the JPOs should forward all documentation to the country office/JPOSC as documentation for payment.

      Once the training activity is approved by the supervisor and/or agency focal points, there are different ways for receiving payments.

      1. The JPO can make a direct payment for the training fees and claim reimbursement through an F.10 claim, submitted together with receipts and necessary approvals from their supervisor and UN organisation, to the UNDP country office’s Finance Unit. The Finance Unit is hereafter requested to make a direct payment to the JPO. If based in HQ or RBAP, the F10 claim and receipts should be sent to the JPOSC who will process the reimbursement. This is the preferred approach.
      2. The JPO can request the UNDP country office to make a direct payment to the training provider. The JPO must submit a vendor/person profile form filled out by the training provider and pass this on to the UNDP country office’s Finance Unit, together with the necessary approvals from his/her supervisor and UN organisation. In doing so, the JPO may refer to the Settling-in Grant Authorisation from the UNDP JPO Service Centre which includes the authorisation to make DTTA payments. The Finance Unit is hereafter requested to make a direct payment to the vendor. If based in HQ or RBAP, the vendor profile should be sent to the JPOSC who will process the payment to the vendor.
      • Self-ticketing is not allowed; JPOs may not travel without an approved DTTA request and a valid travel authorisation approved by their office.
      • Upon completion of travel, the JPO must submit a completed F.10 form either in ATLAS or in paper form as applicable.
      • JPOs are not required to request 100% payment of DSA. They may decide to save on their DTTA budget by only have e.g. 50% of the DSA paid out and cover the remaining expenses themselves.
      • Expenses exceeding the DTTA budget should be borne by the JPO.
      • The assigned certifying and approving officials for travel requisitions and payments are based in Copenhagen. Please be mindful of the time difference when planning your travel and submitting Travels Requests (TR) for approval.
      • Travel must be booked with the use of the T&E module in UNall, as the central platform for processing travel services for UNDP, UNFPA and UN Women.
      • This UNall module is designed for travellers to book their own tickets through the online booking tool of our authorised New York-based travel agent Ultramar.

      Please follow the steps described in this presentation and described in more detail here.

      • Travel must be booked with the use of the T&E module in Atlas, as the central platform for processing travel services for all UNDP travel. Kindly ask your travel colleagues for assistance in booking your travel as each UNDP office has a specific setup and procedures and authorised travel agents may vary.
      • Please follow the steps described in this presentation and described in more detail here.
      • The JPO’s travel must always be booked through the local UNDP travel agency and the JPO should therefore contact the local UNDP office for help with booking travel. At that time, they will share the signed DTTA form and specify if and how much DSA is requested.
      • The local UNDP country office is requested to arrange for a travel requisition in the UNall e-procurement module, indicating the purpose of travel, the travel itinerary, as well as the estimated costs of the travel/learning activity. JPOs should therefore forward all approvals and the travel authorisation, including their travel quote, to the UNDP country office as documentation and in order for them to purchase the ticket on the JPO’s behalf. If based in HQ and RBAP, the JPOSC will take care of the above actions.