Sierra Leone

Legal Framework

Since 1965, UNDP has been working in partnership with the Government and people in Sierra Leone, guided by the national agendas, assistance agreements and development cooperation frameworks. In 2020, the UNDP Executive Board approved the Sierra Leone’s 4-year Country Programme Document (CPD) 2020 – 2023, a strategic document that guides UNDP’s development assistance to the Government of Sierra Leone (GOSL). The CPD is UNDP’s contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), jointly developed with the UN Country Team (UNCT) and the Government of Sierra Leone. 

Country Programme for Sierra Leone: 2020 to 2023(link is external)

United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework Sierra Leone: 2020 to 2023(link is external)

Country Programme for Sierra Leone: 2013-2014

The Agenda for Change (Government of Sierra Leone PRSP II): 2008 to 2012

United Nations Joint Vision for Sierra Leone: 2009-2012

 Standard Basic Assistance Agreement: 1977 (link is external)