The Changing Nature of Work: 30 signals to consider for a sustainable future

30 signals to consider for a sustainable future

July 28, 2021

The Changing Nature of Work: 30 signals to consider for a sustainable future

SIGNAL 9. Soft skills and knowledge

In the fast-approaching future, new technologies and reimagined organizational structures will require not only new professional knowledge, but also an upgraded set of soft skills such as empathy, creativity and many others that will help people effectively adapt to new realities. Although some experts believe that machines and AI will replace human beings, various types of research conducted in recent years demonstrate that this probability is low. Deloitte’s recent survey reveals that 41 percent of companies in Europe plan to hire more full-time employees, and 29 percent expect no changes in headcount. And almost half of the respondents (49 percent) believe in the importance of capacity building, reskilling and upskilling of employees both professionally and personally.

There will be a need for personnel with new skills at all levels of organizations. For instance, due to remote work set-ups, fragmented teams and rising uncertainty, globally managers are already required to support and lead team members by demonstrating empathy and creating in-depth emotional bonding, rather than managing using traditional rigid approaches. This is the reason for which a high level of emotional intelligence (EQ) is as important as hard skills and knowledge at the senior level.

According to a World Bank’s Report, routine tasks and cognitively routine jobs are actively replaced by machines in most European countries. However, de-routinization does not shrink the number of jobs in the labour market, but rather fosters the change in the skills set needed to manage the technology. As process-driven jobs disappear, the need arises for people to think creatively and to be able to solve problems differently, which brings creativity to the top of the most in-demand soft skills of the future.

The constantly changing world may demand an endless variety of skills from the labour market; employees of the future must demonstrate a certain level of flexibility and the ability to learn actively to succeed. According to recent findings, in upcoming years, active learning and skills in learning strategies will even outrun innovation, creativity and emotional intelligence. Preparedness for uncertainty and readiness to embrace it will become a top priority. Accordingly, it is of critical importance to ensure that not only organizations, but also employees are aware of the need to be flexible and prepared for continuous upskilling. According to Deloitte, 89 percent of respondents across various industries believe that the current set of hard and soft skills they possess are enough for the future. This suggests a certain level of rigidity among employees and signals the importance of capacity-building programmes at workplaces to prepare workers for the future.

Check out the next signal, #10: Ethical considerations


The Changing Nature of Work: 30 signals to consider for a sustainable future

Work helps sustain livelihoods and largely determines the quality of life. Its changing nature is at the frontier of development. This report is the result of a broad horizon scanning by six UNDP Accelerator Labs across Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.  They reveal 30 signals that shape the “where, who, how, and why” of the changing nature of work. From the impact of COVID-19 on the workforce to new work models and entrepreneurial ecosystems, the authors explore opportunities and threats, as well as solutions from local contexts that can be scaled up into positive answers to the challenges people around the world are facing.  Download the full report here