UNDP Cambodia Accelerator Lab

We do development differently by co-designing innovative strategy, testing emerging technology and tools, and engaging unusual stakeholders and grassroots innovators.



At UNDP Cambodia's Accelerator Lab, our mission is to accelerate results in existing UNDP development portfolios and address emerging needs for Cambodia. Together with the policy and program team, we've embedded innovation in areas such as green growth, the circular economy, youth employment, digital transformation, public service innovation and responses to the COVID-19 crisis. We are using experimentation to move past existing beliefs in selecting the most effective alternative to plastic and making a more effective bin for waste separation. By deploying air-quality mobile monitoring sensors we were able to realize more actionable air-pollution data. We developed Data for Cambodia, a collection of visualizations and insights explaining the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in Cambodia. By using AI and machine learning we created a predictive analytic tool for poverty mapping. We support local startups with a tailored incubation program and are testing a digital learning tool that seeks to improve student learning during the pandemic. We support the development of a single registry system for social protection programs. Lastly, we built a Cambodia Sustainable Development Goals platform to celebrate innovative ideas and create networks of grassroots innovators on sustainable development.

Our team

Vannaroith Sok  
Head of Experimentation  
Linkedin(link is external)

Tum Nhim  
Head of Solutions Mapping  
Linkedin(link is external)

Otdam Hor  
Head of Exploration  
Linkedin(link is external)

Our partners

We would like to thank our partners for their collaborative work with the UNDP Accelerator Labs. Building and strengthening alliances is the core of UNDP and the Accelerator Labs’ model. Please reach out if you are interested in partnering with us, we would love to hear from you.


Visit the UNDP Cambodia website for more information.