The Changing Nature of Work: 30 signals to consider for a sustainable future

30 signals to consider for a sustainable future

July 28, 2021

The Changing Nature of Work: 30 signals to consider for a sustainable future

SIGNAL 6. A period of introspection and reflection

The major disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has inevitably led many of us to re-examine our personal and professional lives. During the period of confinement, many think about the meaning of work, the conditions under which they are willing to perform their professional duties, their interpersonal relationships, and even the type of leadership they expect to see from the upper echelons. Similarly, employers are thinking about which roles are necessary and which can be discarded.

The need for physical distancing has changed the decades-long work etiquette. In most countries, virtual and no-touch greetings are increasingly common, which is a major upset for many; most of us do not yet know how to build trust and show respect to people whom we have just met without being tactile or using facial expressions. And with colleagues, communication is not so easy either. Despite all the advantages, virtual meeting tools make us communicate differently and not always in a positive way. In addition, onboarding of new staff through digital channels is a challenge in most cases.

The greater compassion shown during the pandemic is a sign of flexing our emotional muscles more than most of us have ever done before. The difficult conditions that people are exposed to, either due to being frontline workers, i.e. the heroes, or being in desperate need of these key services, have changed our perspective in valuing hard work and showing respect and dignity. However, we have also seen a darker side of the human condition; some have capitalized on the emergency to make big profits at the expense of others.

We will no doubt continue to reflect on the values, needs and lessons learned during the crisis. Whether they will have a profound and long-lasting impact on the way we live our lives and conduct ourselves at work is still unknown. However, with a third wave now sweeping across the globe, it is highly likely that the disruption that has been created by the COVID-19 crisis is here to stay. And we may find ourselves in a completely different world socially, economically and politically in the coming months and years.

Check out the next signal, #7: Changing Demographics


The Changing Nature of Work: 30 signals to consider for a sustainable future

Work helps sustain livelihoods and largely determines the quality of life. Its changing nature is at the frontier of development. This report is the result of a broad horizon scanning by six UNDP Accelerator Labs across Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.  They reveal 30 signals that shape the “where, who, how, and why” of the changing nature of work. From the impact of COVID-19 on the workforce to new work models and entrepreneurial ecosystems, the authors explore opportunities and threats, as well as solutions from local contexts that can be scaled up into positive answers to the challenges people around the world are facing.  Download the full report here