UNDP Namibia Accelerator Lab

Public sector innovation — collaboration as the "new normal" in Namibia 



Our challenges are improving governance for accountable, responsive institutions and civic engagement. We work on diversified employment, pro-poor income and sustainable livelihoods for women, youth, the marginalized and persons with disabilities.

Our team

Yrika Vanessa Maritz

Yrika Vanessa Maritz
Head of Experimentation
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Obert Mutabani

Obert Mutabani   
Head of Exploration
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Omagano Adelina Kankondi

Omagano Adelina Kankondi
Head of Solutions Mapping
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Our partners

We would like to thank our partners: The Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration Safety and Security, Namibia Statistics Agency, Namibia Institute of Democracy, Mobile Telecommunications Company, Launch Namibia, Anti-Corruption Commission, University of Namibia, Namibia University of Science and Technology, International University of Management, Green Enterprise Solutions.

Visit the UNDP Namibia website for more information.