UNDP Georgia Accelerator Lab
We are working on a public campaign that counters disinformation around the COVID-19 vaccines to help end the pandemic and encourage fast recovery.

Our current work evolves around two main challenges: an evidence-based communication campaign to tackle disinformation surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines via social networks, and household waste separation. The UNDP Georgia Accelerator Lab is actively working with the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health to disseminate reliable information about vaccinations. We want to learn why Georgian citizens are hesitant to get vaccinated against COVID-19, to understand what are the sentiments that drive these decisions and to what extent the communication campaign affects the attitudes.
In regard to the household waste separation challenge, we want to test new approaches of waste separation in two major cities to nudge an establishment toward implementation of a effective waste separation system. Through understanding citizens’ behavior, we would like to influence households’ decisions to start separating waste.
The Lab is also conducting internal workshops and surveys with the Country Office to found optimal solutions for the new working modality, combining working from home and from the office in the post-pandemic reality.
Our partners
We would like to thank our partners for their collaborative work with the UNDP Accelerator Labs. Building and strengthening alliances is the core of UNDP and the Accelerator Labs’ model. Please reach out if you are interested in partnering with us, we would love to hear from you.