Enabling Zero Carbon Energy in Rural Towns and Villages in China (EZCERTV) Project (SESP)

Enabling Zero Carbon Energy in Rural Towns and Villages in China (EZCERTV) Project (SESP)
June 16, 2022
UNDP’s project-level Social and Environmental Procedure was launched in 2012 as part of a phased roll-out process. The procedure was subsequently revised to align with the Social and Environmental Standards and respond to lessons learned from implementation.
The objectives of the SESP are to (a) Integrate the SES Overarching Principles (human rights, gender equality, and environmental sustainability); (b) Identify potential social and environmental risks and their significance; (c) Determine the Project's risk category (Low, Moderate, High); and (d) Determine the level of social and environmental assessment and management required to address potential risks and impacts.