Syria Crisis

Sub- ​Regional ​Response ​Facility


Key functions

  • Support the integration and implementation of a resilience-based development approach in the country and regional response plans of the sub-region 
  • Produce knowledge products and thought leadership on resilience for all, adaptive solutions and the humanitarian-development-peace nexus
  • Support UNDP Country offices in the sub-region with tools for public outreach, expand strategic partnership and mobilize resources for resilience-based development and adaptive solutions 
  • Promote the coordination of the 3RP implementation between UNHCR and UNDP, including through the 3RP Joint Secretariat 
  • Map and lead on linkages between responses to forced displacement and development efforts, including linkages with SDGs and UN Development Cooperation Frameworks, alternative financing options for a more cost-effective response, including through strategic partnerships with private sector and IFIs 
  • Sharing good practices and lessons learned from on concepts of resilience, adaptive solutions, humanitarian-development-peace nexus and on practical experiences with the Arab region and globally 


Achievements since 2014

  • Increased the inclusion of resilience in the 3RP. In the first year, resilience components of the 3RP were 28% of overall funding requirement, which has steadily increased to 46% in 2021. 
  • Increased multi-year funding by donors. Only 2 donors expressed their support for multi-year funding at the Kuwait conference in 2015, which was increased to 19 after the London conference in 2016 and to 25 at the Brussels conference in 2017. Since then, advocacy for multi-year funding has continued. 
  • Produced the Dead Sea Resilience Agenda (DSRA). Participants at the Resilience Development Forum in 2015 adopted the Dead Sea Resilience Agenda, providing a common basis for resilience-based responses across the 3RP countries.  
  • Convened the Innovation for Crisis (I4C) learning series. The I4C learning event was held in December 2016 with national and international actors to share knowledge and networking and reinforcing effective, efficient and locally led practices in the response.
  • Produced key knowledge products that informed the response. Knowledge products range from tools and frameworks, resource mobilization and advocacy to  and helped inform the design and implementation of partners’ activities in the Syria crisis response. 
  • Worked to advance adaptive solutions to forced displacement. SRF is spearheading the advancement of adaptive or development solutions, as laid out in its Position Paper, including through piloting initiatives at country-level. 


About the team

Abdallah Laham, SRF Coordinator

Lana Stade, Resilience Specialist

Hala Abed Rabboh, Research Assistant

Zeinab Kobeissi, Communications Consultant

Sara Al Zubi, Operational Support Officer