UNDP staff picture


How to apply

What we look for

In UNDP we are looking for motivated professionals, who studied in accredited universities, have relevant language knowledge and come with the experience, expertise, skills and competencies needed for the position they apply for.

UNDP Competency Framework

The UNDP Competency Framework consists of four closely linked sub-frameworks: core, cross-functional, people management and technical competencies. In line with the Framework, any individual applying for a job at UNDP or already part of the UNDP personnel is expected to: 

  • Demonstrate all core behavioural competencies 
  • Have several cross-functional competencies which are relevant for multiple jobs 
  • Have some technical competencies specific for each job. 

In addition, personnel in leadership/management roles are expected to demonstrate people management competencies.


undp-careers-competencie framework

UNDP staff visiting a field project in Burkina Fasso

4 March 2020 - Kaya, Burkina Faso. Internally displaced persons from the village of Arbinda (Sahel region) who have arrived in Kaya since July 2019, are gardening on plots of land given free by a resident of Kaya. UNDP supports the displaced and this resident of Kaya.