Poverty-Environment Action (PEA)
September 20, 2022
To leveraging public and private investment in poverty reducing initiatives, environment and natural resource management, and community development, UNDP_ Malawi in collaboration with UN Environment Programme, FAO, UNWomen, and Malawi Government have developed three study reports/guidelines/tools and policy briefs through the Poverty Environment Action for Sustainable Development Goals project. The reports are;
Climate smart Aquaculture tools kit, synthesis report and report and policy brief, are a response to Ecosystem-based Approach to Fisheries and Aquaculture. The toolkit takes into consideration the current and future aquaculture landscape in terms of species cultured and the prospects for sustainable production and consumption to promote sustainable fisheries management and commercial production.
Soil Loss mitigation Action Plan and Strategy, highlights opportunities for addressing soil and nutrient losses issues in Malawi and which will ultimately contribute to improved food security and poverty reduction, in the country.
Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) report and policy brief, establishes and demonstrates the the efficiency and impact of various climate adaptation interventions community livelihoods, environment and natural resources. The reports findings should therefore inform the formulation and/or revision of guidelines for formulating and executing community-based ENRM projects to ensure that interventions deliver best value for money.