A practical manual for creating an integrity plan in local self-government units in Bosnia and Herzegovina
A practical manual for creating an integrity plan in local self-government units in Bosnia and Herzegovina
December 9, 2022
The second phase of the MEG project (MEG II 2021-2025), which is financed by the governments of Switzerland, Sweden and the Czech Republic, as well as the EU, has the general goal of contributing to the further democratization of local administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the introduction of more efficient and effective public services for citizens and citizens.
The MEG project directly supports the balanced development of the integrity protection system in all its partner local self-government units (LGUs), and advocates the application of its good practices to those LGUs that are not directly involved in Project activities.
The protection of integrity should be the focus of every LGU that is committed to development that is achieved through the exclusive observance of ethical principles, but also proactive, preventive and continuous work on strengthening the system for the protection of integrity, which implies responsible and transparent action in all spheres of activity and competence of the LGU.
One of the project activities aimed at establishing strong integrity protection systems is to support partner LGUs in the preparation of their integrity plans, which expressed the need for this type of practical manual.
One version of the Manual was prepared according to the current Rules for the preparation of an integrity plan in the institutions of BiH, which was prepared by the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight Against Corruption in BiH. The second version of the Manual was prepared according to the Rules for the development, introduction and implementation of integrity plans in the Republic of Srpska and the Manual for the development of an integrity plan in the institutions of the Republic of Srpska.