Capacity-building for Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE): UNDP Malaysia and partners launch three PVE publications
December 31, 2022
In 2022, UNDP Malaysia—along with its partners, namely, the Southeast Asia Regional Center for Counter-Terrorism (SEARCCT) and the All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on Sustainable Development Goals (APPGM-SDG)—began the development of practical, tailored guidance documents that aimed to build the capacity of key stakeholders (civil society organisations, journalists, local government civil servants, and community leaders) to design and implement impact-focused PCVE and social cohesion interventions.
Funded and supported by the European Union, UNDP collaborated with SEARCCT to produce two publications titled ‘Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) in Malaysia: Handbook for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)’ and ‘Preventing Violent Extremism and Promoting Social Cohesion: A Practical Guide for Journalists’, respectively. UNDP also partnered with APPGM-SDG to produce a Trainer’s Manual titled ‘Building Inclusive Communities’. The publications were also complemented by on-ground training with the identified target audiences, in which feedback from the participants was then used to improve the contents of the publications.
A forum co-organised between UNDP Malaysia and SEARCCT titled ‘Preventing Extremism by Leveraging on Impactful Tailored Approaches’ (PELITA) brought together a diverse group of stakeholders to discuss the content of the knowledge products being produced, provide insights on the current trends of violent extremism in Malaysia, as well as share their respective experiences on the different strategies that could be used to address the drivers of violent extremism.
Please click here to access the publications.
To find out more about UNDP’s Preventing Violent Extremism work in Malaysia, please follow us on Twitter at @MyUNDP.