Project for Improving Performance of Local Services in Bosnia and Herzegovina
PIPLS Project
The Project for Improving Performance of Local Services (PIPLS) aims to support local governments to increase their level of transparency and accountability in managing publicly owned goods which will consequently contribute to generating funding for capital investments and improve service delivery.
PIPLS Project Goal
Project seeks to improve access to critical public services through better governance and greater investment in local infrastructure.
The project is financed by Sweden and co-financed and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme in cooperation with 3 cantons and 22 local governments (LGs).
The Project will help partner local governments establish a system for the strategic management of their public asset portfolios and develop the necessary skills of staff managing the system. Moreover, to make the most of available financial resources, the Project will also provide direct and on-site support to local and cantonal governments in practicing smart revenue and expenditure management, consequently contributing to better fund generation for capital investments. Unchecked executive spending will be reduced, and more funds for investment in services will be made available by strengthening internal control systems and introducing a new level of scrutiny to the local government's financial management practices. Furthermore, the Project will also take in efforts to introduce and strengthen structured public procurement practices to ensure public funds are safeguarded.
Finally, the Project will work with newly elected and reform-oriented mayors in pursuing a progressive service-oriented agenda through its Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) component. Newly elected local government leaders will be supported in delivering their service priority interventions across four thematic areas: digital governance; service delivery and infrastructure; local economic development; and financial management.
- 22 partner local governments and 3 partner cantons where PIPLS will introduce and institutionalize improved good governance practices, with up to 9 governments out of this group implementing improvements in public service delivery infrastructure.
- Approximately 20,000 citizens (out of which ca 50% are women) in target localities who will benefit from improved access to and quality of vital local public services.
- Up to 10 local governments who will be serviced through the Facility.
- Improved service delivery through better management of the municipal asset portfolio.
- Enhanced revenue and expenditure management through improved internal controls and public procurement capacities.
- Upgraded public service infrastructure.
- Local government leaders supported in their efforts to effectively deliver their reform agendas aimed at improving the quality of life in their communities.
Start date
January 2021
Estimated end date
December 2023
Geographic Coverage
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sweden, United Nations Development Programme and local governments in BiH
Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO), entity Ministries of Finance, Office for Development and European Integration of Posavina Canton, entity Associations of Municipalities and Cities, three Cantons and 22 LGs